- 该文件为一款基于LABVIEW的图像抓取程序,可适用于任何USB驱动的摄像头,可以将摄像头抓取的图像进行保存和处理-The document is a LABVIEW-based image capture process, apply to any USB drive camera, the camera can capture images for storage and handling
- 用普通USB摄像头捕捉图像, 有一些示例的程序-use USB camera capture the video.There is some sample inside.
- IMAQ USB图象抓取 版本:Labview 8.0.x 以上 -This VI uses the NI-IMAQ for USB drivers to continously acquire an IMAQ image. The USB camera is selected from a list generated from the "IMAQ USB enumerate cameras" vi. Grab rate is controlled using an event
- 绍了USB摄像头视频图像实时采集系统的基本原理及组成。该系统以LABVIEW为核心,通过调用windows平台的OCX控件完成系统的数据采集任务。整个系统结构清晰,构思新颖,具有一定的可操作性-USB camera video real time image acquisition system of the basic principles of composition. The system LABVIEW as the core system of data acquisition tas
- 使用LabView软件对飞思卡尔智能车中摄像头组的道路进行提取的程序-LabView software for road use Freescale smart car camera group extraction procedure
- MinkowskiMethod algorithm, Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM, A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure.