- pmbus在avr32开发板平台上tiny24中的实现。-This is PMBus 1.1 [0] software intended to replace the firmware found in the "Board Controller" [1] on the Atmel ATNGW100 [2], which is a low cost [$US 90] Linux-oriented board suitable for developing and deploying AVR32
- LLC PFC power & support I2C PMBus function. LLC Tx all power datas to host (Voltage,current,power comsumption,tempture,fan speed etc..) Digital power is easier than analog just modify code.
- C语言编写的pic16f886单片机PMBus通信的程序,MICROCHIP公司给的案例。-The program of C language with pic16f886 microcontroller,used for PMBus communication, provied by MICROCHIP.
- 1、读写控制常规I2C接口芯片; 2、SMBus总线协议读写控制支持SMBus总线协议的芯片; 3、PMBus总线协议读写控制支持PMBus总线协议的电源管理芯片; 4、GPIO控制输出,给所控制的芯片输出相关控制信号; 5、所需硬件:纬图USB-I2C适配器-1, the write control conventional I2C interface chip 2, SMBus bus protocol supports SMBus read and write contr
PMBus over I2C for TMS320F2803x
- implimentation of PMBus over IIC port on C2000 chip.