- 595——8位数码管循环移位显示.doc │ 利用74HC595实现多位LED显示的新方法.doc │ 用74HC595芯片驱动LED的电路设计.pdf │ 文件目录表绘制.cmd │ 文件夹目录.txt │ 文件名目录.txt │ ├─点阵设计 │ 74HC595PW.pdf │ 正文点阵设计.doc │ ├─Use595_4(Alexi) │ Use595_2.c │ Use595_4.hex │ Use595_4(Alexi).
- 根据ModelSim提供的命令或者Tcl/Tk语言的语法,将仿真Cmd流程的仿真命令依次编写到扩展名为“do”的宏文件中,然后直接执行这个DO文件,就可以完成整个仿真流程-According to the order provides ModelSim or Tcl/Tk language syntax, the simulation process simulation Cmd command followed by the preparation of the extension "
- STM32F4xx has internal SDIO peripheral to work with SD cards. Also, SDIO communication is faster than SPI, but if you don’t need speed in your project, you can use SPI aswell. With default settings, SDIO 4-bit mode communication is used. It means, th
- STM32F4xx has internal SDIO peripheral to work with SD cards. Also, SDIO communication is faster than SPI, but if you don’t need speed in your project, you can use SPI aswell. With default settings, SDIO 4-bit mode communication is used. It means, th