- 三星公司官方 GIVEIO.SYS源代码下载。 In windows NT/2000/XP, any application can’t access the I/O such as the parallel port. So, GIVEIO.SYS enables SJF.exe to access the parallel port without any memory fault. In windows 95/98, GIVEIO.SYS isn’t needed.
- STM32 的定时器控制实例程序! 可以直接使用,STM32 timer control sample programs! Direct access to
- 1.利用傅立叶级数展开的方法,自由生成所需的x(t); 2.通过选择不同的采样间隔T(分别选T>或<1/2fc),从x(t)获得相应的x(n)(作出x(n)图形); 3.对获得的不同x(n)分别作傅立叶变换,分析其频率响应特性4.利用巴特沃思、切比雪夫或椭圆滤波器设计数字滤波器(滤波特性自定),要求通过改变滤波器参数或特性(低通、高通、带通或带阻)设计至少两种数字滤波器,分析所设计滤波器并对上述给出的不同x(n)分别进行滤波; 5.利用窗函数设计法或频率采样法设计数字滤波
- This application note gives an example for microcontroller C code. It includes code for: Readout of Humidity (RH) or Temperature (T) with basic error handling Calculation of RH linearization and temperature compensation Access to status r
- Booting Windows CE device from SD card All you need to do in the bootloader is to read a particular file from the root directory. You don t need write access etc. Your implementation can be much smaller than what is in the OS.
- this project is based on jk and t flip flop using vhdl.this is the 100 correct code,reference is taken from book digital electrionics written by anand kumar.please use quatrus to access this code.this code can be used for the final year project for e
- 测量相位差并用LCD显示。从信号源接入两路信号,经过AD1和AD2转换后,送入FPGA中。 在FPGA中,使用双值法整形,得到两路标准的方波,然后测出两路信号的时差Δt,以及信号的周期T, 并计算相位差(ΔΦ=Δt/T*360°)。并送入1602中显示。经测试,其测相误差小于1 。-Measured phase difference and with LCD display. Two-way access from the source signal, converted by AD1
- -- Mod-16 Counter using JK Flip-flops -- Structural descr iption of a 4-bit binary counter. -- The first two design entities describe a JK flip-flop and a 2-input AND gate respectively. -- These are then packaged together along with a signal
- Atmega 16单片机,这里利用T/C1定时器中断来产生PWM波形。在ICC AVR编译环境下,利用tool 菜单中的application builder生成一个简单的PWM波程序。这段程序以PA0作为PWM波的输出端口。利用T/C1定时器比较匹配和溢出产生两次中断来改变PA0的输出电平。具体过程为:计数器TCNT1从初始值开始不断计数,当发生比较匹配时,把PA0置为低电平,计数器继续计数,当发生溢出中断时,计数器回到初始设定值,并把PA0置为高电平。从而在PA0端口获得一稳定持续的PWM波
- 直接存储器存取(DMADirect Memory Access)方式是用硬件实现存储器与存储器之间或存储器与I\O设备之间直接进行高速数据传送,不需要CPU的干预。这种方式通常用来传送数据块。MSP430f16x系列单片机内部含有DMA模块,而且几乎内部所有外设都可以触发DMA开始存取数据。这里实现了这个模块的程序通用的函数库,方便使用。-Direct Memory Access (DMADirect Memory Access) way is to use hardware implement