- 我找的ADXL345的代码,比之前看到的要完整,可以供开发参考。,ADXL345 I find the code, than to see the full, you can reference for the development.
- 该代码利用DE0 nano上面的ADI ADXL345三轴重力传感器实现重力感应,根据偏转角度的不同点亮相应方向上面的LED灯,稍加修改,还能够将各个方向上面的重力加速度值实时显示,希望大家喜欢-The code used DE0 nano gravity above the ADI ADXL345 three-axis accelerometer sensors to achieve according to the deflection angle of light in different
- Naze 32 多旋翼飞控的源代码,硬件资源如下:STM32F103C8T6 32-bit ARM Cortex M3, 72MHz, 64K flash (128K actual), 20K SRAM ADXL345 Accel MPU3050 Gyro BMP085 Pressure sensor HMC5883L Mag CP2102 USB>Serial bridge 6 + 8 PWM I/O, can be reassigned for other fu
- 本人已经一测试过mma7455三轴倾角测量,可返回相应的xyz加速度,以及角度-I have a test adxl345 three axis Angle measurement, can be returned to the corresponding xyz acceleration, as well as the Angle