- GPS caculation code * Home * Libraries o TinyGPS o NewSoftSerial o Streaming o PString o Flash o PWMServo * About * Projects o The Reverse Geocache™ Puzzle + Building a Puzzle Box o More Puzzle Box Tales
- An Arduino port of the tinkerer.eu library. It works with the Sparkfun nRF24L01+ modules. http://www.arduino.cc/playground/InterfacingWithHardware/Nrf24L01 Zip file to be extracted in the Arduino libraries folder: http://github.com/aaronds/arduino-nr
- 酷炫的OLED库文件,超智能,各种动态效果,内置arduino-OLED libraries cool, super intelligent, a variety of dynamic effects, built-in arduino
- This the IRremote library for the Arduino. To download github (http://github.com/shirriff/Arduino-IRremote), click on the Downloads link in the upper right, click Download as zip , and get a zip file. Unzip it and rename the directory shirriff-A
- are free to use it as you see fit, provided credit is given to all contributors. Unless otherwise specified, the following license applies to all files: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License ) you may not use this
- Pixy是卡耐基梅龙大学开发的第五代数字颜色传感器,可直接连接与Arduino单片机,程序中自带库文件和程序实例。-Pixy was developed at Carnegie Mellon University' s fifth-generation digital color sensor that can be directly connected to the Arduino microcontroller, the program comes with libraries and
- arduino 的enc28j60模块的库函数,带有简单web例程-arduino libraries of enc28j60 module with a simple web routines
- arduino平台红外传感器库及例程。实测可用-arduino platform libraries and routines infrared sensor
- arduino平台RC522,RFID库及例程-arduino platform RC522, RFID libraries and routines
- Arduino (Installation with IDE) Start Arduino IDE In the Arduino IDE, import the library the Add Library Menu. Arduino (Manual Installation) Unzip u8glib_arduino...X.XX.zip into the libraries folder of the Arduino IDE Start Arduino IDE AV
- arduino 一些常用的命令说明和语法说明,一些库的使用,功能描述等等。-Arduino some of the commonly used commands and grammar instructions, the use of some libraries, functional descr iption, etc..
- Arduino接收紅外線 接收器測過TL1838 Arduino IDE 1.0.6以後要刪除libraries\RobotIRremote 不然編譯會失敗-Arduino measured before receiving infrared receiver TL1838 Arduino IDE 1.0.6 later deleted libraries \ RobotIRremote or compilation will fail
- arduino_AFMotor库,用于控制连在ARDUINO上的电机-This is the August 12, 2009 Adafruit Motor shield firmware with basic Microstepping support. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega For more information on the shield, please visit http://www.ladyada.net/make/msh
- Libraries for Arduino and Processing
- Adafruit_GFX和Adafruit_SSD1306这两个文件夹是库文件,请将其放入"libraries"文件夹内; Demo.ino为演示程序,正确接线并下载到Arduino板子上即可。 0.96寸SPI接口arduino接线方式: OLED屏 arduino开发板 GND GND VCC 3.3V 或5V SCL 10 SDA 9 RES 13 DC 11 CS 12 七针模块有cs脚;直接连接就好了;如果是用六针的CS默认已
- Adafruit-Motor-Shield-library-master库文件(This library is old and deprecated - and the hardware disconinued years ago. V2 of the shield uses i2c only and works with anything that has I2C support (e.g. all arduinos) without endless incompatibilities and
- 基于arduino的6050库,可以使用arduino自带串口示波器查看波形(6050 libraries based on Arduino)
Arduino-MAX30100-master (1)
- arduino关于max30100的编程代码和库(Arduino about max30100 programming code and libraries)
- 平台为arduino uno r3,采集温湿度,气压、海拔、土壤湿度信息在5110屏幕上显示,并通过nrf24l01传到另外一个arduino采集板上,然后通过串口传给pc机。传感器有ds18b20,dht11,土壤湿度传感器,bmp085,显示屏为5110,一对nrf24l01。library文件夹下为所需的各种库。(The platform for Arduino uno R3, collecting temperature and humidity, air pressure, altit
- qp_nano移植到arduino上。blinky小灯闪烁的例子。 文件: blinky.ino blinky.h blinky.cpp bsp.h bsp.cpp 再将qp的库文件拷贝到arduino的libraries文件夹中即可。