- The Definition of Asterisk is described as follow: Asterisk is a complete PBX in software. It runs on Linux, BSD, Windows (emulated) and provides all of the features you would expect from a PBX and more. Asterisk does voice over IP in four protocol
- a combination of snake and maze program that whenever it hits the asterisk it will post a message ouch . once it reach the point or destination at the end it will move to the next stage-a combination of snake and maze program that whenever it hits th
- 计算机里整数和小数形式就是按普通格式进行存储,例如1024、3.1415926等等,这个没什么特点,但是这样的数精度不高,表达也不够全面,为了能够有一种数的通用表示法,就发明了浮点数。 浮点数的表示形式有点像科学计数法(*.*****×10^***),它的表示形式是0.*****×10^***,在计算机中的形式为 .***** e ±***),其中前面的星号代表定点小数,也就是整数部分为0的纯小数,后面的指数部分是定点整数。利用这样的形式就能表示出任意一个整数和小数,例如1024就能表示成0.