- LCD and Keyboard ARMulator model for the ADS Source Code Copy the provided ARMulate folder into your ADS directory tree at the root, for example in c:\\ADSv1_1. If prompted to overwrite files, choose Yes. The batch file copy_console.b
- 开发环境:ADS 1.2/SDT 2.51 GUI测试,由于没有触摸屏,所以将触摸屏的代码给屏蔽了; 请将FS44B0II开发板连接好交叉网线、直连串口线、电源, 并连接好G57液晶屏,同时还要连接好背光电源; 然后在BIOS的命令窗口里面敲netrun命令; 点击FS44B0_G57_uCGUI\uC-GUI\FS44B0_G57_uCGUI_Data\DebugRel目录下: 批处理文件FS44B0_G57_uCGUI.BAT 下面你就可以看到液晶屏上面显示优龙
- Aardvark Example Source Code Version: 4.00 Date: 2007-04-20 Source code which shows how to use the Aardvark I2C/SPI Host Adapter software libraries. Examples are available in C, C#, Python, Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, and Aardvark XML b
- Fennec is a high quality (64-bit) media player/converter. Now with batch converting, joining, ripping, tag editing + multichannel support, media library, skins, effects... It can play/convert nearly 100 media file formats (inc. ogg, mp3, mpc, mp4, fl
- 用脚本将工程文件导入到workspace的批处理程序-Works with the scr ipt file into the workspace of the batch program
- Batch module to backup data (whole directories) under MS-DOS. Creates detailed log file. Sets are compressed and named with timestamps
- 完整的点阵字库提取、修改源程序,BCB6下可编译。支持批量提取、单字修改、转换为C语言文件,是单片机做LCD、LED显示的必要工具。-Complete extraction of dot matrix font, modify the source code, BCB6 under compilation. Support batch extraction, word modified, converted to C language file, do the microcontroller L
- FPGA开发仿真工具modelsim的高级进阶教程,包括如何写脚本文件和后台批处理文件-FPGA Development Advanced simulation tools modelsim tutorial, including how to write a scr ipt file and back-office batch file
- 贡献一个自己写的批处理,方便MDK备份1 根据日期更新,替换掉日期较早的,日期相同的不备份 2 有删除冗余文件功能,运行后输入Y确定,可以对比并删除备份文件夹内多余的文件。我自己验证有一段时间了,一直没什么问题。 我的电脑上是两个硬盘,D盘是固态盘,工程文件存放在机械硬盘里。注意 我的电脑里面是有s盘的,是个内存盘,如果没有这个盘的需要替换下批处理的s:\-Contribution to write a batch processing, convenient backup of the M
- 电子工程师经常需要使用串口获得现场的一些数据用于分析.而一般的串口助手软件获得的数据都是16进制的,这不利于直观的分析或是绘制图形.在这种情况下写了这个进制转换工具. 2.数据的输入来源于文件.文件的格式必须是 16进制+分隔符+16进制 的形式,比如: 4A 78 90 12这种格式(分隔符是空格),也可以是4A*78*90*12这种格式(分隔符是*号).而且16进制数字最长是16位.比如123A 34A3 1278这样类型.如果长度大于16位,软件将会自动忽略多余的部分. 有效