- IO口模拟串口通讯C源程序-IO mouth simulation string mouth communication C source program
- C字符串底层函数的实现。对一些想了解C的低层函数的人很有帮助,自己去看吧-bottom C string functions to achieve. Some wanted to know the low-level C function were very helpful to see it themselves
- 序言 1. OBJECT文件 导言 ELF头(ELF Header) Sections String表(String Table) Symbol表(Symbol Table) 重定位(Relocation) 2. 程序装载与动态连接 导言 Program头(Program Header) Program装载(Program Loading) Dynamic连接(Dynamic Linking) 3. C LIBRARY
- This guide reviews the rules and syntax of the principle commands that comprise C and its object-oriented cousin, C++. The reference consists of 19 chapters that define operators and the standard input/output, string, character, and more.
- 51串口模拟程序,51 string mouth simulator
- 本例程包含了SST25VF016B的底层驱动函数, 演示将一段字符串写入SST25VF016B的1页中,然后读出并通过USART1传送出去,同时LED1亮。字符串:SPI SST25VF016B Example: This is SPI DEMO, 终端上出现这一行字,说明SST25VF016B的读写正常 -This routine contains the function of the underlying drivers of SST25VF016B demo takes a st
- C51字符串的接收和发送测试功能,例如发送HEX。95 10 20 25 可在调试窗口显示。-C51 string to receive and send a test function, for example, to send HEX. 95 10 20 25 can be displayed in the debug window.
- Program for implementing AES on 8051 based microcontrollers. SDCC is used as the C compiler. Microcontroller used is P89V51RD2. There are 2 programs included. One program will accept string via UART and accept key via a 4x4 keypad and display decrypt
- ansi-c code for 8051 type microcontrollers, enables string conversions like: ascii to int hex, ascii to long hex, swap long, swap int, etc. code compiles with Keil and is very efficient.
- 单片机串口驱动74LS164的C语言程序,串并口转换的通讯接口程序-74LS164-driven single-chip serial port of the C language procedures convert string parallel communications interface program
- .net CompactFramework 3.5的debug字符串列表,安装在手机上使用,用于显示部分程序报错后的错误原因 本安装包为WindowsMobile手机和WinCE设备使用的cab安装包,请安装到手机内存中 对应程序语言:简体中文 对应系统:WinCE-Debug string resource for .net Compact Framework 3.5, used to display some debug imformation on WM or WinCE pr
- .net CompactFramework 3.5的debug字符串列表,安装在手机上使用,用于显示部分程序报错后的错误原因 本安装包为WindowsMobile手机和WinCE设备使用的cab安装包,请安装到手机内存中 对应程序语言:繁体中文 对应系统:WinCE-Debug string resource for .net Compact Framework 3.5, used to display some debug imformation on WM or WinCE pr
- 内有C关键字、51存储器类型、数据类型、常用中断及字符串操作的简单介绍-There are C keywords, 51 memory types, data types, common break and a brief descr iption of string operations
- LCD12864的驱动程序,可建头文件使用, C语言标准库中字符串的代码-LCD12864 driver can be built using header files, C language standard library code in a string
- 斯凯mrp开发用的宽字符转换 很有用的 有个头文string.c 和string.h 头文件里有定义-Sky mrp convert wide character to use for development of a useful article string.c head and string.h header files are defined
- stm32串口程序,利用超时判断字符串判断字符串结束。-stm32 serial procedures, using string to determine the time-out to determine the end of the string.
- 《单片机C语言程序设计实训100例——基于8051+Proteus仿真》案例压缩包 第 01 篇 基础部分 10 8只数码管滚动显示数字串-" Microcontroller C Programming Language Training 100 cases- based on 8051+ Proteus simulation" case archive basis of Article 01 part 10 8 LED scrolling display string of
- 《单片机C语言程序设计实训100例——基于8051+Proteus仿真》案例压缩包 第 02 篇 第 02 篇 硬件应用 03 74HC595串入并出芯片应用-" Microcontroller C Programming Language Training 100 cases- based on 8051+ Proteus simulation," Case No. 02 cabinet hardware application No. 02 03 74HC595 st
- 基于msp430的12864源文件及其头文件,包含画图,描点,字符串显示等c程序-12864 msp430-based source files and header files, including drawing, scanning point, display the string c program
- Linux C函数库参考手册、包括字符测试函数、数据转换函数、内存配置函数、时间函数、字符串处理函数-Linux C library reference manual, including character test function, data conversion functions, memory allocation, time function, string handling functions