- A MPEG4 encoder, suit for ARM decode IP camera solution
- GUI to encode a video from an Axis Gige camera using mencoder. Mencoder needs to be installed before using this software. Parameters that can be modified are rame rate, resolution, inclusion of error resilience tools-GUI to encode a video from an Axi
- 嵌入式linux下采集视频并编码视频,保存为本地文件。 交叉编译器为arm-linux-gcc4.3.2 编码器为H.264最新版本 采集和编码双线程,于s3c2440上测试成功。-Embedded linux video capture and encode video and save it as a local file. Cross compiler for arm-linux-gcc4.3.2 H.264 encoder latest version capture and e
- 此程序是本人曾经参加飞思卡尔智能车竞赛获奖程序,程序包括单片机的底层驱动配置、摄像头对赛道信息的实时采集存储,不同赛道分类的处理,赛车的速度PID控制等等。硬件包括单片机XS128,数字摄像头OV7620,液晶显示模块Nokia5510,电机、编码器、飞思卡尔赛车模型等。(This program was once using for participating in the Freescale Carle intelligent car competition a few years ago,