- 小数分频技术解决了锁相环频率合成器中的频率分辨率和转换时间的矛盾, 但是却引入了严重的相位噪声, 传统的相位补偿方法由于对Aö D 等数字器件的要求很高并具有滞后性实现难度较大。$2 调制器对噪声具有整形的功 能, 因而将多阶的$2 调制器用于小数分频合成器中可以很好地解决他的相位噪声的问题, 大大促进了小数分频技术的 发展和应用。文章最后给出了在GHz 量级上实现的这种新型小数分频合成器的应用电路, 并测得良好的相噪性能。,Fractional-N technology to s
- /* root_x is an 8 bit number with four bits in front of the binary point and four bits behind, increment is an 11 bit number with 3 bits in front of the binary point and 8 bits behind the binary point. In order increase resolution and preve
- FPGA Implementation of QFT based Controller for a Buck type DC-DC Power Converter and Comparison with Fractional and Integral Order PID Controllers