- 这是我做的针对S1D13305的驱动源码,我集成了ASCII码字库和一级简码汉字库,可以显示任意常用汉字和英文字符,另外还有基本的画线、圆、多边形以及填充等功能!但是由于画图时是边计算边显示,所以显示效果会有抖动,只需通过缓冲区作为中转站就可以解决问题,这个问题就让给使用者解决了! 如有问题可以发email给我,xianyun.wang@gmail.com-This is what I do against the S1D13305 driver source code, I integra
- [ALOC原创] MINI-EVALBOARD V1试验与控制系统,包括PDF系统手册、SCH原理图。系统结构简单,非常适合51单片机的初学者仿制。有问题可联系本人:alocsong@gmail.com-[ALOC original] MINI-EVALBOARD V1 test and control systems, including PDF manual system, SCH diagram. The system is simple and very suitable for beg
- FontEditor为一款字体编辑和字体格式转换工具,可满足大多数嵌入式系统对字体的需求。 本软件支持如下功能: 1.字体点阵编辑 2.支持BDF,FNT,FNB格式的互转换,BDF<-->FNT, BDF<-->FNB,FNT<-->FNB 3.将TTF,OTF文件转换为BDF,FNT,FNB格式 4.将Windows系统安装的TTF,OTF导入为BDF,FNT,FNB格式 本版本目前仅供您导入参考,不能保存,在注册后就可以使用
- ModbusMaster.h - Arduino library for communicating with Modbus slaves over RS232/485 (via RTU protocol). This file is part of ModbusMaster. ModbusMaster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms o
- Patch to add iMX27ADS support to Openembedded written by acassis at gmail dot com
- SmartARM2200 开发板配套光盘实验代码,包括基础实验,基于uCOS-II的基础实验,基于uCOS-II的综合实验,开发板出厂编程程序等。由于原光盘中uCLinux部分文件太大没有包括,如需要可与我联系shevsten@gmail.com-failed to translate
- 本帖最后由 NovaCao 于 1-18-2009 18:02 编辑 使用Quartus II进行仿真 QQ:44425312 QQ群:50585234(群名称:FPGA4u) gtalk:fpgaforu@gmail.com 网站:www.fpga4u.com 淘宝网店:http://shop34914329.taobao.com/ 我们以一个计
- 本帖最后由 NovaCao 于 1-18-2009 18:02 编辑 使用Quartus II进行仿真 QQ:44425312 QQ群:50585234(群名称:FPGA4u) gtalk:fpgaforu@gmail.com 网站:www.fpga4u.com 淘宝网店:http://shop34914329.taobao.com/ 我们以一个计
- This source code for controlling three phase motor from old floppy disk. using micro 8951 enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com-This is source code for controlling three phase motor from old floppy disk. using micro 8951 enjoy! any
- This is source code for fuzzy logic controller. using micro 8951. combined with delphi in PC enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com
- This source code for build PLC with simple micros like AVR. source in asm and delphi enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com-This is source code for build PLC with simple micros like AVR. source in asm and delphi enjoy! any informati
- This source code in Delphi for controlling AVR-made PLC from me enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com-This is source code in Delphi for controlling AVR-made PLC from me enjoy! any information:contact enas.dhuhri@gmail.com
- The function kbd_rdchr() does not riqueres interrupts or timers. Just call it when your program needs to read a key, it also does not queue those keys in any way. This function handles a 3x4 matrix keyboard conected at port defined as "kdb_port" kd
- 经典JAVA资料,软件破解版是根据官方放出的Demo版制作而成,其中有很多器件由于没有仿真模型而无法使用,该软件最大的优点在于能够对常用微控制器进行仿真,适合于刚刚接触单片机以及进行数模电综合仿真的用户使用-bu cuo de ying wen ziklai
- Proteus simulation for NOKIA 6610 colour LCD wiht atmega32 - prabhuchinnasamy@gmail.com
- SIM CARD..made by deepakgupta2186@gmail.com
- Author :M.Z.M Irshath ICT0506008 Program Name: Coloring Map Date : 15.August.2009 Purpos : Coloring Map problem BICT RUSL Program is designed to color a map using four colors Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow. Folder co
- 可以记录从linux内核开始启动的所有你想要的信息。从而解决linux启动时加入的调试无法显示的问题。加入到内核目录下的driver中。有兴趣者可以联系我xhdwork@gmail.com -Linux kernel can be started from the record all the information you want. Are added in order to address linux boot debug the problem can not be displayed.
- 嵌入式下使用定时器实现消息处理的源码,消息处理更及时-Use the timer, the embedded message processing of the source
- ew in 1v2 Updated with the actual files to support the internet demo -) Support for SSD1297 LCDs. These are found in a number of touch LCD players, including the first version of the Sylvania player. They are marked "SSD1297". Define SS