Based on this one-dimensional analysis, the theory can be carried over to two-dimensions as long as there is an accurate approximation to calculate the derivative of a two-dimensional image. The Sobel operator performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurem
Based on this one-dimensional analysis, the theory can be carried over to two-dimensions as long as there is an accurate approximation to calculate the derivative of a two-dimensional image. The Sobel operator performs a 2-D spatial gradient measurem
索贝尔算子(Sobel operator)是图像处理中的算子之一,主要用作边缘检测。在技术上,它是一离散性差分算子,用来运算图像亮度函数的梯度之近似值。在图像的任何一点使用此算子,将会产生对应的梯度矢量或是其法矢量
Sobel算子有两个,一个是检测水平边沿的;另一个是检测垂直平边沿的。Sobel算子另一种形式是各向同性Sobel (Isotropic Sobel)算子,也有两个,一个是检测水平边沿的,另一个是检测垂直边沿的各向同性Sobel算子和普通Sobel算子相比,它的位置加权系数更为准