- java kvm simulation tools and open source code declaration in the SUN website,please check this on that
- sqlite3.6.2的源码。SQLite是一款轻型的数据库,是遵守ACID的关联式数据库管理系统,它的设计目标是嵌入式的,而且目前已经在很多嵌入式产品中使用了它,它占用资源非常的低,在嵌入式设备中,可能只需要几百K的内存就够了。它能够支持Windows/Linux/Unix等等主流的操作系统,同时能够跟很多程序语言相结合,比如Tcl、PHP、Java等,还有ODBC接口,同样比起Mysql、PostgreSQL这两款开源世界著名的数据库管理系统来讲,它的处理速度比他们都快。 -sqlite3.
- The ElectricTM VLSI Design System is an open-source Electronic Design Automation (EDA) system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including: * Custom IC layout * Schematic Capture (digital and analog) * Textual Languages such a
- 分析了一种开放源码的嵌入式Java 虚拟机Wonka 的主要结构和运行机制,并针对一种特定的嵌入式应用, 研究了将Wonka 移植到给定处理器(ARM9)和操作系统上(ARM-linux)的关键技术,提出了一种扩展Wonka 虚拟机 的新方法,并给出了相应的移植方案。-Analysis of an open source embedded Java virtual machine Wonka' s main structure and operating mechanism, an
- 在项目中,碰到一个解析流的操作,php里面没有现成的类. 那没办法,只能用二进制模式打开文件,再和java的datainputstream对比着打开文件,一个一个的实现流读取和解析. -Encounter an analytic flow operation in the project, there is no ready-made class php. That not only open the file in binary mode, and then open the file
- The open-source Arduino environment allows us to write code and load it onto the Arduino board s memory. The development environment is written in Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc, and other open source software.
- Linphone is an open source SIP Phone, available on mobile and desktop environments (iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, MAC OSX, Windows Desktop, Windows 10 UWP). Linphone has inside a separation between the user interfaces and the core engine, allowing to c