- windows mobile sdk里打电话的例子,原来是不能打电话的,经过修改后可加打电话。-windows mobile sdk in the phone example, the original can not be called, and after modifications to increase call.
- GSM-MODEM源码,采用西门子TC35手机模块。 功能描述:来电过滤、*、振铃遥控、数据传输。-GSM-MODEM-source, using Siemens TC35 module mobile phones. Functional Descr iption: call filtering, SMS mass, ringing the remote control, data transmission.
- 基于minigui的手机程序开发 实现电话拨打功能-Minigui-based mobile phone telephone call program development to achieve functional
- 用单片机做个一个远程电饭煲控制系统。你通过手机或者电话拨打家中的电话根据提示就可以让家中的电饭煲工作。是智能家具的一部分。-Microcontroller to be a rice cooker with a remote control system. Your phone call by mobile phone or home phone you are prompted to allow work at home in the rice cooker. Is part of smart
- 系列手机芯片组合大全从单一的通话功能发展到通话加先进强大娱乐功能-Series combination of mobile phone chips Daquan development from a single function call to call plus advanced entertainment features powerful
- 中国移动基站拨测系统 设备端监控主程序,主要是嵌入式设备端的监控主程序-China Mobile' s base station equipment-side monitoring measurement system call the main program, mainly embedded devices to monitor the main program end
- 当实验室、家庭发生异常情况(盗窃、失火、液化气泄露等),借助最可靠、最成熟、覆盖面极广的GSM移动网络,采用拨打报警电话和发送中文短消息形式进行报警,具有直观、高效、可靠的优点。 用无线遥控器来控制主机,当遥控器给出报警功能时,报警仪器开始工作,实施报警功能。 报警短信或电话可以设置多个。 -When the laboratory, home to unusual circumstances (theft, fire, gas leaks, etc.), with the most
- bascom-avr移动安全系统项目: 该项目采用电话拨号系统的设计。是。在这个系统中,同样的方法移动Aptvkvplr键3用于连接到微。拨号可以做到的。然后Bazr设备以声音报警和对手。人们也可以听到的声音,然后挂断电话,结束关系。该系统可用于提供额外的乐趣。例如,如果使用的是水分而不是米的锅,然后将您的手机号码的安全传感器“锅在院子里我!”移动中午在液晶显示屏上,这表明,锅需要水的院子里!为下议院思想是了不起的事情,感受生活和智能化的脸。另外这种方法的另一个有趣的应用程序中使用LM35温度传
- iphone 4 手机应用。NRF8001,蓝牙4.0开发硬件开发原理图,带通话功能,接听、拒接来电。-iphone mobile phone applications. NRF8001, Bluetooth 4.0 development hardware development principle diagram with call functions, answer, reject a call.
- In the project the robot is controlled by a mobile phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end called 慏ual T
- 本文介绍了一种以TI的MSP430F2132为控制核心的智能防盗系统。主要由控制模块,GSM模块,蓝牙模块以及电源部分组成。使用时将该系统放入贵重物品中且其蓝牙与用户手机蓝牙配对,一旦系统离开用户一定的距离后用户手机会受到系统发来的信息或打过来的电话以达到防盗的效果。本系统具有应用广泛,便携,超低功耗,实用性强,保密性好等优点。-This paper introduces a TI' s MSP430F2132 for the control core of the intelligent
- 本程序采用瑞萨单片机R5F100LEA读取MPU6050数据,并计算出俯仰角和横滚角-Click to download the APP version of mobile version is to use baidu translation renesas MCU MPU6050 R5F100LEA read data, and calculates the pitch Angle and roll call
- 这是基于GSM短信模块的简易手机制造,加上12864串行显示及4*4键盘输入,可以实现打电话、发短信、收短信、来电显示等功能。-This is the simple mobile phone manufacturing based on GSM short message module, plus 12864 serial display and 4* 4 keyboard input, can realize the call, send text messages, receive mess
- Linphone is an open source SIP Phone, available on mobile and desktop environments (iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, MAC OSX, Windows Desktop, Windows 10 UWP). Linphone has inside a separation between the user interfaces and the core engine, allowing to c
- 该设计由STC15F2K61S2芯片作为系统的控制核心,外部扩展12864显示屏、矩阵键盘、GSM模块、蜂鸣器、直流继电器和电控锁等器件。该系统可以大大节省快递员的工作时间,还可以方便取件人取件。快递员首先要输入工作编码,验证正确后输入收件人手机号,此时系统产生验证码并打开箱门。当快递柜箱门关闭后会自动向收件人发送短信告知取件验证码,取件人通过输入正确的验证码可以取件。这样大大节省了快递员打电话或发短信通知取件的时间,提高了快递员的工作效率,减轻了工作压力,而取件人也不需要为了取快递而专门等待很