- AVR单片机GCC程序设计,pdf格式,很好的avr工具书。-AVR GCC procedures for the design, pdf format, good avr tool.
- 车载视频、音频生成工具,仿真极高,适用于YSS920B开发板。-Car Video, audio generation tool, simulation is extremely high for YSS920B development board.
- VHDL is defined by IEEE Standard 1076, IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual (the VHDL LRM). The original standard was approved in 1987. IEEE procedures require that standards be periodically reviewed and either reaffirmed or revised. The VHDL
- WT588语言芯片资料集,包括了与此芯片相关的详细资料,如下载工具,PDF,注意事项等等。-WT588 language chip data sets, including a chip with the relevant details, such as downloading tool, PDF, notes and so on.
- 资料说明: 1,LCD701 Demo splc701模组的程序示例及驱动 2,SPLC701B液晶显示模组电路图及PCB图 splc701模组的电路原理图及PCB图,使用OrCAD和PowerPCB打开 3,位图格式转换工具 将位图转换成701使用的数据 4,splc701b datasheet.pdf splc701b的数据手册 5,splc701b液晶显示模组使用说明书 splc701b的详细说明 6,splc701b
Altera Qsys Design Tutorial
- The Qsys System Design Tutorial (PDF) provides step-by-step instructions to create and verify a design with the Qsys system integration tool in the Quartus® II software. This design example includes the system components to design a memory tester sys
- 原名:vxworks_cli_tools_users_guide_6.7.pdf,是 Wind River 公司最新版 VxWorks 实时操作系统的命令行工具的参考资料。-Formerly: vxworks_cli_tools_users_guide_6.7.pdf, is the latest version of Wind River' s VxWorks real-time operating system' s command line tool reference.
- CodeWarrior高级教程 网上讲CodeWarrior的pdf倒是不少,可是都是入门级的,只教你怎么创建工程,对于想更熟练使用这个工具的人来说是远远不够的。一次偶然的机会在网上找到了个高级点的,里面讲的有prm文件的使用,中断函数的编写,我想很多人在刚接触CodeWarrior时都弄不清楚这里面的文件是怎么回事,和其他IDE有什么区别,这里的C方言与标准C的小区别。看了这个你会更加清楚CodeWarrior的用法。 这个pdf以8位飞思卡尔单片机为例,但用法与16位是相通的。-Cod