- 本文讲述AVR定时/计数器0的各种使用,包括各个寄存器的使用方法、电路、波形,并给出了几个不同的程序,有计数实验、定时实验、比较匹配实验、快速PWM实验、相位修正PWM实验。-This article describes the AVR timer/counter of a variety of uses, including the use of various registers, circuit, waveform, and gives a few different programs,
- 基于STM32的双相四线步进电机控制,操作简单 可能库文件名称不相符-Based on the the STM32 dual-phase four-wire stepper motor control, operation simple and may be the name of the library file does not match
STM32 的4路互补pwm
- 使用keil5编写的STM32输出四路互补的PWM,适配正点原子的mini版,同样是为电赛逆变系统做的准备。通过定时器的输出比较模式,在PC6~PC9,输出4路PWM,每路PWM频率为500Hz,占空比为50%,每一路PWM相位差为45°(The STM32 output four complementary PWM, which is written in keil5, is suitable for the mini version of the positive point atom, w