- AVR的库C程序源代码,功能包括 Timer(s),Uart(s),A/D Converter,I2C Master/Slave,SPI Interface,Byte Buffering (circular),Bit Buffering (linear),Printf and other formatted print functions,VT100 Terminal Output,Command Line Interface,FAT16/32 File System (support is r
- 1、首先将USART1与电脑相连,打开超级终端,设定波特率为115200 1、通过JLINK下载后,按下S1键 程序运行 2、TFT显示蓝色字符串“FireBull EEPROM example” 超级终端窗口打印出相关信息,在命令栏输入相关指令实现读写操作-1, will first USART1 connected to the computer, open the super terminal, set the baud rate for 115200 1, thr
- Can总线双机通讯上位机源码,有命令模式及数据通信模式,数据通过串口打印到PC端串口调试助手-Can bus-machine communication PC source, there is command mode and data communication mode, the print data to the PC via the serial port debugging assistant
- 树莓派上使用三轴加速度传感器 ADXL345的python库项目。(adxl345-python Raspberry Pi Python i2c library for the ADXL3453-axis MEMS accelerometer IC which is used in breakout boards like the Adafruit ADXL345 Triple-Axis Accelerometer (http://shop.pimoroni.com/products/ad