- 定时器同时控制两个动作进行,感觉两个动作同时进行,控制灯和显示.-timer contain two movements, feeling two movements simultaneously, control lights and displays.
- 该源码继承了大量功能控件,如定时器、按键、串口通讯等,并已成功嵌入到产品中,可以节省大量时间。-the source inherit a lot of control functions, such as timer, keys, serial communications, and has successfully embedded into products, can save a lot of time.
- 通单片机控制点阵显示器显示汉字符,共显示了6个汉字符. 在伟福W600环境下开发出来,保存文件格式为.ASM这种形式. 程序具有简单和易读性,对初学者容易入手的程序.-Microelectronic control lattice display shows the Han characters, show a total of six Chinese characters. in Wai Fu W600 environment to develop, Save the file format
- AVR单片机有趣的展示,控制直接接到VCC上的8路LED。同时加入了同步时钟和睡眠模式来节省功耗。-AVR interesting display, VCC received direct control of eight LED. Meanwhile, a synchronous clock, and sleep mode to save power consumption.
- 远程控制 以前在给别人介绍Windows CE的开发时,为了演示设备上程序的运行情况,就用Remote Zoomin来截屏,设备端一刷新,Remote Zoomin就得去手动Refresh一下,在CE和PC两边忙得不亦乐乎。当时就想,要是有自动刷新的功能不就省去了这么多麻烦吗。如果能在PC端直接控制CE设备,岂不更好?,Remote control to someone else before the introduction of Windows CE development, to dem
- 一款廉价的多按键多数码管输出IC,通过SPI接口与单片机连接通讯,可大量节省单片机的输出输入接口,并节省系统处理时间,此包包括原理图与源代码,是低成本电器的较好选择,A low-cost multi-button multi-output digital control IC, through the SPI interface to connect with the single-chip communications, can save a lot of single-chip input
- canon eos系列单反相机的sdk,版本为:edsdk2.3!可以用来控制相机拍照,保存等等!-canon eos series SLR camera sdk, version: edsdk2.3! Can be used to control the camera to take pictures, save more!
- 基与74HC595与51单片机控制数码管显示程序 利用74595的总线结构节约51的IO口-74HC595-based and single-chip control with 51 digital tube display program to use 74595 to save 51 of the bus architecture of the IO port
- 用C实现广告灯箱自动装置1、直流电机控制系统,控制广告牌的升降。 2、定时翻转广告,可由按键设定时长。 3、时间设置,5:00-22:00正常工作,其余时间不工作,时间可以调整。 4、到达广告的边缘部分广告停止翻转。 5、广告可以由按键设置升/降。 6、白天时间广告灯不亮,光线较暗时广告灯才亮,测试灯的好坏时可以手动控制灯光。 7、断电时保存时间及按键的设置,使广告牌到达边缘部分。 -C implementation using automatic device 1
- 用vb编写的工程控制程序,算法采用PID,具有参数设置,保存文件,实时显示曲线的功能。--with vb prepared by the engineering control procedures, PID algorithm with parameter settings, save the file, real-time curve function.
- 使用LPC935用于模拟电压按键转遥控码,使面板按键节省和遥控共用通讯线.-LPC935 for use of the analog voltage to the remote control button code, so that panel and remote control buttons to save the shared communication line.
- 单片机控制7289程序源码 2789可外接 按键 数码管显示等 可节省很多IO口-7289 single-chip control program 2789 may be an external key source digital tube display I can save a lot of IO
- 舞台RGB大功率LED控制程序,已成熟应用于产品上,带温度补偿PID算法,支持DMX行业标准协议,内置多可是调场景,LCD菜单,eeprom变量保存-Stage RGB high power LED control procedure, has grown applied to products, with temperature compensation PID algorithm, support DMX industry standard agreement, built-in much
- HMI人机界面控制步进电机 功能:1.可以设定转速和圈数 2.可以保存设定数据到AT24CO2EEPROM中,(当光标离开时,数据自动保存-HMI Human Machine Interface control of stepper motor functions: 1. Can set the speed and number of laps 2. You can save data to AT24CO2EEPROM the set, (when the cursor left, the
- 总之,PWM既经济、节约空间、抗噪性能强,是一种值得广大工程师在许多设计应用中使用的有效技术。-In short, PWM already economy, save space, robust performance is strong, is a kind of worth the engineer in many design application of technology used in effective.
- 温度控制系统:利用LabVIEW虚拟仪器实现八路温度监测和数据处理、输出、保存。程序及其论文-Temperature control system: the use of LabVIEW virtual instrument to achieve eight temperature monitoring and data processing, output, save. Programs and papers
- launchpad 串行控制12864 只要两根线就可以完成!!节省IO口-launchpad serial control 12864 as long as the two lines can be completed. ! Save IO port! !
- 1、平时显示年月日时分秒星期。这些参数都可以按键可调并断电保存。 2、有三个以上的闹铃点,每个点都可以单独可调、单独使能并可以断电可存。 3、响闹铃期间,按任意键,可以暂时关闭闹铃响声 4、(在外部串口控制指令的要求下)可以串口送出当前的年月日时分秒星期参数。 5、可以串口设置时钟、各个闹铃点的参数。 6,通过红外也可以实现以上的功能-1, at ordinary times shows that split second week when (date) (month) (
- 通过下位机(arduino)控制步进电机并实时测量相关数据,通过USB 上传到上位机(PC),可以实时保存数据。-By lower machine (arduino) stepper motor control and real-time measurement data, upload to PC via USB (PC), you can save the data in real time.
- 路灯节能控制程序,控制不同的继电器组闭合,实现不同程度的降压。-Street light energy-saving control procedures, control different closed relay group, implement different degree of decompression.