- for the TI dm6446 platformBackground subtraction moduleMaintain a background model, which can distinguish background, foreground and theft/left pixelsShadow removal moduleDetect shadow regions in monochrome videosCamera shift detection and suppressio
- 1. 首先6678的SRIO支持v2.1的协议,速率可以到5G,另外6678是基于keystone架构的,message方式采用硬件queue来维护,LSU也增加了shadow寄存器,可以不用等待前一次的传输完成,继续对LSU进行操作。 2 自环的程序只是将PER_SET_CNTL1中的loopback置位了,如果要和外围芯片通信,需要工作在normal 模式。-6678 SRIO support v2.1 protocol, the rate can go to the 5G, anoth
- Shadow Removal from Images using an Improved Single Scale
- 嵌入式GUI OpenGL源代码。OpenGL是嵌入式开发中常用的一种GUI系统。-Embedded GUI OpenGL source code. OpenGL is commonly used in embedded development system, a GUI.
- 尽管模拟高频头在开发中用得已经减少了,但是模拟电视接收功能在许多数码产品上仍有其身影。希望对本站的朋友有所帮组!-Although the analog tuner in the development of using has been reduced, but the analog TV reception capabilities in a number of digital products still has its shadow. Want to site a friend had
- 乍一看书名,许多读者可能会感到奇怪:为什么说左手犹太人右手温州人呢?为什么不是其他人?近二千年来,即使有颠沛流离,即使被驱赶打压,犹太商人还是整个商业世界的龙头老大,漫长的历史长河中,印度商人、中国商人、*商人都曾风云一时,但他们都只能屈居于犹太商人的阴影下。-At first glance the title, many readers might wonder: Why is the Jews left hand Wenzhou it? Why not others? Nearly two
- 走马灯,又名马骑灯,是中国传统玩具之一,灯笼的一种,常见于元夕、元宵、中秋等节日。灯内点上蜡烛,烛产生的热力造成气流,令轮轴转动。轮轴上有剪纸,烛光将剪纸的影投射在屏上,图象便不断走动。因多在灯各个面上绘制古代武将骑马的图画,而灯转动时看起来好像几个人你追我赶一样,故名走马灯。走马灯内的蜡烛需要切成小段,放入走马灯时要放正,切勿斜放。走马灯VHDL代码 非常有用非常有用!-Revolving door, also known as Maji lights, is one of the tradi
- 这是一个由外国老师写的检测阴影的代码,主要实现方法是通过对比两个不同视角的距离来判定阴影-This is a foreign teachers write the detection by the shadow of the code, the main approach is by comparing two different perspective to determine the distance of the shadow
- 低电源电压范围为1.8 V至3.6 V 超低功耗: - 主动模式:280μA,在1 MHz,2.2伏 - 待机模式:1.1μA - 关闭模式(RAM保持):0.1μA 五省电模式 欠待机模式唤醒 超过6微秒 16位RISC架构, 125 ns指令周期时间 12位A/ D转换器具有内部 参考,采样和保持,并 AutoScan功能 16位Timer_B随着三† 或七‡ 捕捉/比较随着阴影寄存器 具有三个16位定时
- FAT32文件系统您一定不会陌生,最多看到它是在windows操作系统里,但在一些嵌入式产品(如手机、MP3、MP4等)中,也能看到它的身影。从某种意义上来讲,FAT32文件系统是非常成功的,使我们可以脱离底层储存设备驱动,更为方便高效地组织数据。给单片机系统中的大容量存储器(如SD卡、CF卡、硬盘等)配以FAT32文件系统-FAT32 file system, you will not be unfamiliar up to see it in the windows operating sy
- 看门狗,眼熟的名字。无论在普通的51,还是高级的ARM。都离不开他的身影。一个完整的系统总需要一个看门狗,在你程序跑飞的时候帮你一把,使系统重新进入工作状态。它无疑是世界上最忠诚的狗。不过可千万别忘了喂它。-Watchdog, a familiar name. In terms of the normal 51, or advanced ARM. Can not be separated from his shadow. A complete system always need a watch
- 自制摇摇棒,采用水银开关作惯性开关,以中断方式避免反影-Homemade shook his stick, using a mercury switch for the inertia switch to interrupt the way to avoid anti-shadow
- 嵌入式C/C++的精华总结,很多公司招单片机软件开发工程师的笔试题大部分都在里面找到影子-Embedded C/C++ sum up the essence, many companies recruit SCM Software Development Engineer in the pen questions are found inside most of the shadow
- **功能描述: ECAN自测试程序,CAN模块工作在自测试模式。MBX0发送到MBX16*** **MBX1发送到MBX17。该程序不停地高速背靠背传输数据,检查接数据的正确性** /*eCAN 控制寄存器需要32位访问。如果想向一个单独位进行写操作,编译器可能会使其进入16位访问。这儿引用了一种解决方法,就是用影子寄存器迫使进行32位访问。 把整个寄存器读入一个影子寄存器。 这个访问将是32位的。用32位写操作改变需要改的位,然后把该值拷贝回eCAN寄存器*/(* * function
- 实现局部阴影下光伏系统最大功率点跟踪. 多极值条件下的MPPT(this code include matlab model and S funtion to simulate the partial shadow of solar system to realize MPPT)
- Based on multi-document image obtained combining technique, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Rapid expansion of random spanning tree algorithm.
- LZ complexity is reflected in a time sequence, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Achieve canonical correlation analysis.
- Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Particle image segmentation and matching subroutines themselves are prepared, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related.
- Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Numerical solution of differential equations method, Energy entropy calculation.
- Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Image optical flow calculation matlab program, By applying the beam forming technology of BE.