- 这份源码已提供了神龙卡的控制接口的全部源码,接口文件sdinterf.pas,但这个演示源码只是个能控制神龙卡调用,我只提供调用神龙卡的方法,但全部功能我还没有写上,就让刚做神龙卡编程(DSHOW)的朋友提供个方便吧!这样就不用花太大的力气去找到编程的入口点,还有如果你写出好的代码不防发布出来大家分享下!-this source has provided Shenlong control interface cards all the source code, sdinterf.pas inte
- 关于DSP的,使2000系列定点DSP的FFT算法比较详细,可以和大家分享的。-on DSP, 2000 Series fixed-point DSP FFT algorithm in greater detail, and we can share.
- 此程序为DS18b20的多点测温程序,试验成功。分享给大家。,DS18b20 this procedure for the multi-point measurement procedure, the pilot project is successful. For everyone to share.
- 给大家分享下一些VHDL的VGA小程序,大家共同学习,如有不足,请指出,便于共同提高。,To share with you some of the VGA small VHDL program, we learn, is insufficient, please point out that to facilitate common.
- 2009年全国大学生电子设计竞赛无线环境监测模拟装置题一等奖的论文及附属电路图及代码,论文也许大家能在网上和书刊上找到,但附录的电路图和原代码肯定是没有公开的,我今天因为也是急着要下点资料才公布的,也希望能给大家点帮助,注:这个一等奖是我大学期间最大的成绩,大家不信可以看这个题目有一组叫林鹏的一等奖,我有幸是这组的组长,望大家分享,-2009 National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest simulator wireless environme
- 这是我用STM32单片机写的SST25VF的驱动程序,已经调试通过,上传至此,和大家共享,欢迎互相交流,共同进步-This is what I used to write SST25VF STM32 MCU driver has been debugged, From this point, and share, welcome exchanges and common progress
- 定点的除法运算代码,写的挺好的,一起分享一下。-Fixed-point division operation code, written in good, share it.
- cc1110点对点通信,无线龙的例程和大家分享一下-cc1110 point to point communications, wireless dragon routines and share with you
- 嵌入式编程的一点资料,pdf的和大家分享了,谢谢了-Embedded programming point of information, pdf s and to share with you, thank you a
- 无线网卡驱动。大家看看,一起分享。给点意见-Wireless card driver. Let us look at the share. To the point
- 2440的学习我也是刚开始,下了点资料和大家一起共享,希望大家能从中得到所需要的知识,我也想向大家学习。-I am also a 2440 study has just begun, made a point of information and share with everyone I hope that everyone will get the required knowledge, I also would like to learn from.
- AVR入门教程,个人入门学习的一点资料,与大家一同分享.-AVR Getting Started tutorial, personal entry point to learn the information to share with you.
- 分频器的一些程序。包括整数分频,小数分频,我感觉非常好的资料,不敢私自分享。特拿出来分享。希望想学习的好好参考下,肯定会有所感悟。-Divider of some procedures. Including the integer frequency, fractional, and I feel very good information, not privately share. Point out to share. They want to study more carefully th
- 本人自己写单片机和触摸屏通信时的一点经验,与大家分享,单片机是PIC16F877A,触摸屏带MODBUS通信就可以-I write MCU and touch screen point to communicate the experience to share with you, SCM is the PIC16F877A, touch screen can communicate with MODBUS
- 这FloatBin是软件工程师或单片机工程师实用的小工具,特别是刚入门的朋友。 该软件可以将单精度(single)浮点数或双精度(double)浮点数转换成二进制、十进制、十六进制字节内码表示,也可以将字节内码转换成浮点进行逆变换。不到1M的数据量,精简而不失实用性。全免费,无需注册,解压即能使用。该软件源来自于www.aitek.tw的客服,原本为方便其客户调试其仪器之通讯数据,在经得其客服同意后,分享给大家应用。软件的输入带有容错性检测,在输入二进制数据时必须以1byte的8位长度限
- AppWizard has created this CDMASMSS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
- AppWizard has created this CDMASMSS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
- AppWizard has created this CDMASMSS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
- AppWizard has created this CDMASMSS application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application. This file contains a summary of w
- zigbee点对点无线通讯,芯片为cc2430亲测可用,好东西大家分享-zigbee point-to-point wireless communications, the chip cc2430 pro-test is available, a good thing to share