- GSM-MODEM源码,采用西门子TC35手机模块。 功能描述:来电过滤、*、振铃遥控、数据传输。-GSM-MODEM-source, using Siemens TC35 module mobile phones. Functional Descr iption: call filtering, SMS mass, ringing the remote control, data transmission.
- 板上资源: LM2576电源,MAX3232电平转换芯片,11.0592M有源晶振,ATMEGA128L,FM32256(铁电),滑槽式SIM卡座,40PZIF接插件,通信 模块支持CM320,TC35i,MC35i,MC39i,GTM900A/B等模块。 使用方法:1、不焊接M128和FM32256以及晶振,将桥接电阻R29,R30,R31焊上,就是标准串口无线MODEM,根据模块不同可以支持GPRS和CDMA, 当然也可以作为GSM猫或者短信猫来使用。 2、焊上M
- m128 接 gsm modem 用pdu 发中文短信 的流程。自己总结的,附带源码,仅供参考哦-gsm modem access m128 made by Chinese SMS pdu process. Their own summary, with source code, for reference only, oh! !
- Gsm手机(短信息,电话簿)开发库C++源代码 通过GSM modem 或 IrDA 设备 基于GSM标准: ETSI GSM 07.07, ETSI GSM 07.05 提供Nix,win系统 PDU 编码.支持Nokia-61,62,71,8***,Simens S10,M20,35i,Ericcson SH888,Wavecom WM02 -Gsm mobile phone (SMS, phone book) Development Library C++ source cod
- code for sending sms via gsm modem on arm7(lpc2148)
- source code for controling GSM Modem with ATtiny2313
- 单片机通过短信猫收发短信的方法 短信在现今的生活中起着非常重要的作用,我们每天都会使用它来进行信息的接收与发 送,为我们的沟通提供新的手段。从本质上说,其实是一种数据传输的机制,通过GSM(全 球移动通信系统)作为其传输的道路,从而实现了数据的远距离传输。如果我们把它运用于 单片机上,就可以实现单片机上的数据远距离传输,这在实际的应用中是十分有用的。如数 据的远程采集与传输、环境的监测与报警等。 然而要实现单片机发送短信,就要依赖于专用的硬件――短信猫(GSM Modem
- GSM SIM300 Modem interface with 16F877A & Display SMS over 16x2 LCD code written in ccs.
- send sms command using STM32f103 ARM cortex with GSM modem simple communication
- This project is a simple GSM Based project where 20x4 LCD is used as display for Notice board and GSM modem is used for receiving and sending SMS. When a user wants to display a notice/message on the notice board, user will send sms from a verified m
- Read SMS from SIM300/SIM900 using Visual Basic 6 Simple code using timers and RS232 Communication with GSM Modem
gps based tracking
- this code is developed for gps tracking by sms using gsm modem
anti theft c code
- Abstract: The Project works with the latest GSM and GPS Technology. The Projects Consists of GPS and GSM Modem. At once the vehicle had been lost. The owner has to just SMS to the GSM modem that is fitted on the car. The SMS is ready by