- The Pololu 3pi robot is a small, high-performance, autonomous robot designed to excel in line-following and line-mazesolving competitions. Powered by four AAA batteries (not included) and a unique power system that runs the motors at a regulated
- This a smart ventilator fan system. When it detects the presence of a user, it spins in one direction and blows the air towards the user, very much like an electric fan. However, it starts at a particular lower speed and increase to the top speed onl
- C8051F060 外中断程序.程序展示了如何配置外中断0和外中断1.在 P0.0 脚上的边沿触发信号翻转LED.-This software shows the necessary configuration to use External Interrupt 0 (/INT0) or External Interrupt 1 (/INT1) as an interrupt source. The code executes the initialization routines a
- This software shows the necessary configuration to use Comparator0 as a reset source. The code executes the initialization routines and then spins in an infinite while() loop. If the button on P2.0 (on the target board) is pressed, then the comparato
- Simple arduino sketch for controlling 3 phase motor such as the motor that spins a HDD.