- 1.生成中英文数字混合的字符串的字模数据. 2.可选择字体,大小,并且可独立调整文字的长和宽,生成任意形状的字符。 3.各种旋转,翻转文字功能 4.任意调整输出点阵大小,并任意调整字符在点阵中的位置。-1. To generate figures in both English and Chinese mixed matrix string data. 2. Can choose the font, size, and independently adjust the len
- FPGA的5B6B编译码器的设计代码可以编译而且有波形图 -5B6B code is used in fiber optic digital communication systems a more extensive line pattern! Data are 5B6B encoding and conversion, and string after the fiber transmission, serial code sequences in continuous bit 0 or b
- linux下的tea加密解密算法,可以对任何长度字符串进行加密解密。非常精彩。-tea under linux encryption and decryption algorithms, can be of any length string encryption and decryption.
- 在 PC 上从串口向CC2430 发任意长度为30 字节的字串,若长度不足30 字节,则以#为字串末字节,CC2430 在收到字节后会将这一字串从串口反向发向PC,用串口助手可以显示出来。-In the PC serial port to the CC2430 from fat, 30 bytes of arbitrary length of the string, if length of less than 30 bytes, then# For the string at the end
- 一个是发送单个字符的,一个是发送任意长度字符串的-One is to send a single character, a string of arbitrary length is sent
- 5B6B码是光纤数字通信系统中使用比较广泛的一种线路码型! 数据经过5B6B编码和并串转换后在光纤上传输,串行码序列中连续的比特0或比特1的长度不超过5,数据在0和1之间变换的密度很高,并具有直流平衡的特性,有利于接收电路和时钟恢复电路的设计。-5B6B code is used in fiber optic digital communication systems a more extensive line pattern! Data are 5B6B encoding and conver
- c常用算法 带头结点双链循环线性表 单链表 单循环链表 定长串 -c common algorithms to take the lead node linear form double-stranded cycle fixed-length string list list round robin ...
- CRC校验原理 1、循环校验码(CRC码):是数据通信领域中最常用的一种差错校验码,其特征是信息字段和校验字段的长度可以任意选定。 2、生成CRC码的基本原理:任意一个由二进制位串组成的代码都可以和一个系数仅为‘0’和‘1’取值的多项式一一对应。例如:-Principle 1 CRC checksum, cyclic checksum (CRC code): is the data communications of the most commonly used error checki
- ch375读写u盘C51示例源程序 #i nclude  "datatype.h"#i nclude  "console.h"#i nclude  "44b0x.h"#i nclude  <string.h> /*  以下定义的详细说明请看CH375HF9.H文件  */#define  LIB_CFG_FILE_IO 1 /*  文件读写的数据的复制方式,0为"外部子程序",1为"内部复制"  */#
- 使用MASM 5.0工具,从键盘输入若干个字符串(5~15个),每一串的长度不超过20个字符将它们做升序排序并在屏幕上显示-Use MASM 5.0 tools from a number of keyboard input string (5 ~ 15), the length of each string of no more than 20 characters to do them in ascending order and displayed on the screen
- 本实验是一个串口通信实验。程序通过函数set_speed设置串口通信速率,通过函数set_Parity设置串口数据位,停止位和效验位,通过函数OpenDev打开串口。实验者可以在主机键盘输入字符串,程序对接收到的字符串计算字符串长度,发往串口,并将该字符串也发往串口。 开发环境: 创维特CVTs3c2410 Redhat9.0-This experiment is a serial communication experiment. Procedures set by serial
- 把长度为10H的字符串从内部RAM的输入缓冲区inbuf向位物外部RAM的输出缓冲区outbuf传送,一直进行到遇见回车或整个字符串传送完毕。试编程实现-The length of the string from the internal RAM 10H input buffer inbuf bit outside of the RAM to the output buffer outbuf transfer, has been carried out to meet the return or
- 发送字符串子程序(两种方法,一种参数为发送字符串的首地址,一种参数为发送字符串的首地址和发送字符串的长度)、换行子程序、空格子程序。-Subroutine to send a string (two ways, one of the first argument is the address to send a string, a string parameter to send the address and send the first string length), wrapped sub
- 这是一个具有多功能的移位寄存器,长度为8位。具有置位输入端,具备串并转换的功能,并在寄存器满和空时给出提示信号。是专门为SPI模块特意编写的。-This is a versatile shift register, a length of 8 bits. With the input set, with string and conversion functions, and full and empty register signal when prompted.
- Define MyString class with demands as follows: 0. You CAN NOT use string in the program. 1. MyString can save any string 2. Overload operator + to append string to another one, such as: MyString S1, S2, S3 S1 = S2 + S3 3. Defin
- 字符串操作的实现函数,包括字符串拷贝,连接,翻转,计算字符串的长度,对比-Realization of string manipulation functions, including string copy, connection, flip, calculate length of the string comparison
- 把无符号整形数转换为16进制字符串,长度为len。 -The unsigned integer converted to hexadecimal string of length len
- 将无符号32位整型数据转换为相应数字字符串,结果存放在长度为11的数组中。-The unsigned 32-bit integer data is converted into the corresponding numeric string, the result is stored in an array of length 11.
- Version: 1.0 12 Feb 2012 - initial release 1.1 09 Apr 2012 - added support for more display modules added support for String objects to print() fixed a bug in printNumF() added optional minimum length and filler character to p
- 可实现不定长度的二进制流转换为Base64格式,末尾补‘=’。可实现符合规则的Base64字符串转换为二进制流。已手动对原代码进行修改,可适应无=,一个= 两个= 的字符串。亲测可用。适合单片机使用-It can realize the binary indefinite length of the stream is converted into Base64 format, at the end of fill = . Can conform to the rules of the Bas