- 高速高分辨率CCD器件的实用化是近年图像采集领域的一个研究热点。选用科学级柯达 新型高分辨率可见光面阵CCD KA I- 0304设计了一种高速图像采集系统。该系统采用KSC - 100作为时序发生器驱动面阵CCD 和信号处理器AD9840A, 实现对CCD面阵输出模拟信号的高速A /D转换, 并将信号快速转存至片外SDRAM 存储器, 经USB 采集系统将数据发送到计算机。系统采用相关双采样( CDS)技术滤除信号中的相关噪声, 提高了系统的信噪比, 采集速度达40Mb it / s, 具
- USB CCD,use it to write to virtual comport
- usb 接口的CCD图像处理程序,是出货产品项目的源代码提取出来的-USB interface CCD image process sample,abstracted from matured product
- TCD1304 CCD 驱动 AD转 USB2.0传输(This code based on verilog language, worked on EP1C3T144 FPGA chip, developed on Quartus II 12.0 . The ccd's data transformed by USB2.0 after amplified and AD confromed.)
TCD1304 driver
- STM32F405 driver firmware for the linear CCD TCD1304. Connection via USB. The latest update with continuous driving for live-view.
- New update for the STM32F405 firmware to drive and read the linear CCD TCD1304 from toshiba. The firmware uses full speed usb protocol for communication.
TCD1304 driver for STM32F401
- STM32F401RE firmware to drive and read the linear CCD TCD1304 from toshiba. The MCU uses full speed USB and supports continous and single reading of the CCD.