209_introduce of SST MCU
- SST单片机的几大独特用法和优势,例如:用户程序空间可达72K,数据存储可超64K,程序和数据的存储空间互补利用,没用到程序的存储地方可以用来存储数据.-SST SCM several major French and unique advantages, such as : user program up to 72 KB of space, data can be stored-64K, procedures and data storage space complementary use,
- 这些都是公司的机密啊,为了这5篇我可是大杀血本了,这是电涡流程序,本人的结晶啊望对大家有点用处-These are the secrets ah, to which five Yet I kill the package, which is eddy current procedures, the crystallization ah, I hope we are a bit useless right
- 单片机和PC机串口通讯实例说明 首先打开串口调试程序并按要求设置。启动51板后,按S10切换至接收状态,按S12切换至发送状态,启动默认为发送状态。 发送状态: 进入发送状态后,可向PC发送1-9 9个数字,并且数码显示同时显示发送的数,按S1发送1,按S2发送2,依次到按S9发送9。S11无用。发送成功可在串口调试程序的数据接收栏中显示收到的数据。 发送状态: 进入发送状态后,在串口调试程序的数据发送栏中输入00-FF的16进制2位数,点击手动
- PIC18F2520与时钟芯片PCF8563的I2C例程序。此为测试版,有好多无用的参数/函数,根据自己情况修改。RB0:SDA RB1: SCL ,单片机:PIC18F2520,编译环境:MPlab+PICC18. I2C芯片: PCF8563 ,软件模拟I2C总线设置和读取时钟芯片。工程包括5个文件:delay.h delay.c I2c.h I2c.c I2c_demo.c 是用PICC18提供的I2C例程,用的内部时钟,仅供参考,好多参数没优化,特别是延时和内部时钟。 -PIC18
- cissp入门必备经典资料,我从淘宝网上拍下来的,一直在钻研,挺有用的。你会对信息安全领域有一个全新的认识-CISSP classic data entry required, from the time I shot down on Taobao, has been studied, quite useless. The area of information security you will have a new understanding of
- 是我在ARM学习过程中的一些总结,感觉还是蛮有用的。-ARM are my learning process at some conclusion, or feel quite useless.
- 本程序是没用中断的情况下在LED上显示16*16汉字-This procedure is useless in case of interruption of LED display 16* 16 characters
- FPGA很有用的27个实例,对于新手或者迷茫的人应该有点用处-FPGA is used for 27 examples of confusion for the novice or the person should be a bit useless
- gsm development and usele-gsm development and useless
- qt3做的mplayer,希望对大家有点用处-qt3 do mplayer, hope we are a bit useless
- Working Frequencymeter, some files are useless, you just have to look to total.vhd and see what s usefull or not!
- STM32F103RBT6 所用到的所有例子,包括详细的电路原理图,大部分例子都使用寄存器控制,没用库函数。 -STM32F103RBT6 used, including all of the examples, the detailed circuit principle diagram example USES registers control of library functions, useless.
- Until modern times cryptography referred almost exclusively to encryption, which is the process of converting ordinary information (plaintext) into unintelligible gibberish (i.e., ciphertext).[2] Decryption is the reverse, in other words, moving from
- The author takes no responsibility for the use of this information. Some commands can be very hazardous to your phone and can make your phone useless! Use at your own risk, but have fun! Please Note: No Nokia fones were injured or kill in the product
- 凌阳单片机的学习资料,主要是基于61单片机的实验箱、试验仪、系统板还有一些其它的设计实例,自己感觉挺有用的。-Sunplus learning materials, mainly based on 61 single-chip test box, tester, system board, there are some other examples of design, he felt quite useless.
- 这是基于485通信的一个例子程序,对于基础的学习还是挺有用的,里面包有详细的解释,非常值得一看,我找了好久才找到的呢-This is an example based on 485 telecommunications program for the foundation of learning or quite useless, which package are explained in detail, is worth a visit, I find it a long time to f
- avr的有关资料,写的一些程序,感觉挺有用的。-avr relevant information, write some of the procedures, I feel quite useless.
- 飞思卡尔的一些学习资料,挺有用的,希望大家喜欢-Freescale some of the learning materials, quite useless, I hope you like
- 附件中是在keil for arm下编译的ARM程序——LCD万年历(暂名) 有源代码和PROTEUS文件。 刚学ARM,刚学写程序…… 所以程序写得可能垃圾,不过功能基本已实现已经设置了keil for arm与proteus(7.1)的联调,不过我基本上没用 希望大家多多指正…… 功能未完,待续…… -Attached is the keil for arm compiled ARM program- LCD calendar (tentative name) S
- Dont open it, its useless program