- FFT vhdl generic: I m new to vhdl, and I tried to use xilinx fft core, but when I try to simulate it in test bench using ise simulator, I get zero results. here is what I do: 1- from core generator I choose fft core and create .vhd & .vho &
- QuartusII简易操作说明 VHDL 仿真器 利用Quartus II 产生.VHO 和.SDO利用在sim_lib 目录中的APEX20K_ATOMs.VHD 和 APEX20K_COMPONENTS.VHD 文件 Verilog 仿真器 -QuartusII VHDL simulator simple instructions generated by Quartus II. VHO and. SDO use in sim_lib directory APEX20K_