一个用VC++编写的直流系统监控程序,配合充放电控制设备实现蓄电池的状态监视和充放电控制。-A nice program which developed based on windows with VC++, mainly focused on the SCADA on the DC system, the state of battery can be view in terms of bar and chart, thus the user could have a clear unders
一个用VC++编写的直流系统监控程序,配合充放电控制设备实现蓄电池的状态监视和充放电控制。附件是安装文件和相应的帮助文件。-A nice program which developed based on windows with VC++, mainly focused on the SCADA on the DC system, the state of battery can be view in terms of bar and chart, thus the user could hav