- 车辆监控、遥控、遥测、小型无线网络、无线抄表、门禁系统、小区传呼、工业数据采集系统、无线标签、身份识别、非接触RF智能卡、小型无线数据终端、安全防火系统、无线遥控系统、生物信号采集、水文气象监控、机器人控制、无线232数据通信、无线485/422数据通信、数字音频、数字图像传输等。和51单片机调试-Vehicle monitoring, remote control, telemetry, small wireless network, wireless meter reading, acces
- 上海复旭信息科技,用S3C2510和FPGA实现无线局域网的安全接入,电路原理图-Shanghai Forte Kotewall information technology, with S3C2510 and FPGA to achieve the security of wireless LAN access, the circuit schematic diagram
- 介绍一种具有短信息无线通讯功能的低功耗嵌入式多参数监护仪,基于ARM7核的32位低功耗微处理器作为系统控制核心,采用源码公开的嵌入式操作系统IxC/OS—II,通过低功耗的16位单片机MSP430完成数据采集,可实现心电、血氧、血压、体温信号的实时监测。系统采用西门子MC35i无线传输模块,实现生理参数以SMS方式无线传输,具有轻便节能、安全稳定等优点-Introduce a short message wireless communication function of low-power e
- This project aimed to develop a wireless system to detect and allow only the authorized persons. The system was based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and consists of a passive RFID tag. The passive micro transponder tag collects p
- A Pairwise Key Predistribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks∗ To achieve security in wireless sensor networks, it is important to be able to encrypt and authenticate messages sent among sensor nodes. Keys for encryption and aut
- The estimation of pseudo random sequence is of great importance of the security in DS-CDMA system, which remains a hot research topic in reconnaissance and supervision of wireless communication. In DS-CDMA system, the information sequences of
- 详细介绍无线传感器网络,包括定位技术、安全、网络管理等,希望对大家有帮助-Details wireless sensor networks, including positioning technology, security, network management, we want to help
- This a Simulink model that demonstrates an algorithm that applies wireless security on physical layer. The demonstration is based on 802.11a (simplified) and receiver is implemented on Xilinx Virtex 4 FPGA. The RAR file inlcudes 2 files: 1. Simul
- 无线传感器网络安全技术,对于安全协议的学习有所帮助-Wireless sensor network security technology, security protocol for help in learning
- 无线传感器网络安全协议设计方面内容,希望对大家有帮助-Wireless sensor network security protocol design aspects, we want to help
- 常用的近距离无线传输有很多种方式: 1)CC1100/NRF905 433MHz 无线收发模块; 2)NRF2401 2.4GHz 无线收发模块; 3)蓝牙模块; 4)Zigbee 系列无线模块; 以上1/2/3模块,一个大概要几十块钱,一套加起来要一百多块,4就更贵了,单个就要上百块钱 而常用的315M遥控模块就便宜很多了,收发一套淘宝上才卖8块钱。这种模块用途极其广泛,例如遥控开关/汽车/门禁/防盗等,大部分是配合2262/2272编解码芯片实现开关的
- 利用Cerebot MX4开发板作为本系统的核心控制单元,热释电人体红外传感器、光电传感器及烟雾传感器构成检测单元,键盘和液晶显示组成人机交互界面,LED报警灯和语音模块为声光报警执行单元,无线收发模块为传感器与Cerebot MX4之间的通讯单元。当检测单元检测到信号时,由检测单元传给控制单元,控制单元进行分析和处理并控制声光报警执行单元产生声光报警,同时将实时信号由GSM模块以短信的形式发送给指定手机,显示单元实时显示宿舍内的安防情况,通过按键进行主人身份唯一识别控制系统的运行,另外,系统
- AT89C52的智能无线安防报警器, 采用单片机做为控制系统.,AT89C52 intelligent wireless security alarm, using SCM as the control system.
- 通过无线收发模块si4432,使家居安防中红外热释电报警和煤气报警无线化,隐蔽性好,取代传统的有线报警-Through wireless transceiver module si4432, in the home security alarms and pyroelectric infrared gas alarm wireless, good concealment
- DIY智能家居防盗系统,基于STM32库函数编写,汇集了SD卡,TFT屏,无线等功能模块的实用,系统稳定-DIY smart home security systems, based on the STM32 library functions written a collection of SD card, TFT screen, wireless and other functional modules and practical, the system is stable
- CC1110无线发射与接收DEMO,实现跳频,CCA检测等功能,安防行业专用无线通讯协议-CC1110 wireless transmitter and receiver DEMO, realize hopping, CCA detection and other functions, the security industry-specific wireless communication protocol
- 基于GSM无线短信通信 有关安防的 用51单片机做的 可行-GSM wireless short message communication about security is done with 51 single-chip feasible based on
- nRF905 是挪威 Nordic VLSI 公司推出的单片射频收发器,工作电压为 1.9 ~3.6V, 32 引脚 QFN 封装 (5×5mm),工作于 433/868/915MHz 三个 ISM(工业、科学和医学)频道,频道之间的转换时间小于 650us。 nRF905 由频率合成器、接收解调器、功率放大器、晶体振荡器和调制器组成,不需外加声表滤波器, ShockBurstTM 工作模式,自动处理字头和 CRC(循环冗余码校验),使用 SPI 接口与微控制器通信,配置非 常方便。此外,
- 设计一种基于STC89C52RC单片机和STC12C5A32S2单片机的无线防盗预警系统-Design a STC89C52RC MCU and STC12C5A32S2 MCU based wireless security early warning system