- ARMboot is a firmware monitor/bootloader for embedded systems based on ARM or StrongARM CPUs-ARMboot is a firmware monitor / Bootloader for embedded systems based on ARM or StrongARM C PUs
fireware MicroMonitor的源代码
- An Embedded System Boot Platform The term boot monitor refers to the code that is run on a computer system as the lowest level of firmware resident to the hardware platform. You can find various types of boot monitors on a wide range of computer sys
- SIM900 firmware, especial Embedded AT version
- WIZ550web 是WIZnet最新推出的嵌入式网页服务器模块,基于全硬件TCP/IP以太网芯片W5500,用户可以通过网页在模块上控制/监控 16个可配置数字 I/O 及4个ADC. WIZ550web 可以根据用户使用目的,提供基础固件/网页实例定制。此版本是给予CoIDE开发-WIZ550web is WIZnet latest embedded web server module, based on full hardware TCP/IP Ethernet chip W5500, u