ADS Introductory Workbook
- ADS教程 在这一章里,将介绍ARM 开发软件ADS(ARM Developer Suite)。通过学习如何在CodeWarrior IDE 集成开发环境下编写,编译一个工程的例子,使读者能够掌握在ADS 软件平台下开发用户应用 程序。本章还描述了如何使用AXD 调试工程,使读者对于调试工程有个初步的理解,为进一步的 使用和掌握调试工具起到抛砖引玉的作用-ADS Directory in this chapter, will introduce the development of softwa
- The PMSM FOC is made of several C modules, compatible with the free-of-charge IAR EWARM KickStart edition toolchain version 4.42. It is used to quickly evaluate both the MCU and the available tools. In addition, when used together with the STM32F
- The system provides an example of how to integrate the Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC and the Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC wrapper using a hardware design to target the development board and a PC-based Graphical User Interface (GU
- 停车, 物业,刷卡,串口通信,用户控件,自动刷新-Parking, property, credit card, serial communications, user control
- MIPS 指令集,比see mips 更适合用作手册使用-This appendix describes the instruction set architecture (ISA) for the central processing unit (CPU) in the MIPS IV architecture. The CPU architecture defines the non-privileged instructions that execute in user mode.
- 集到的遥控信号可直接分析出编码值,如红外遥控可以分析出信号的系统码和用户码-Set the remote control signal can be directly analyzed coded value, such as infrared remote control system can analyze the signal code and user code
- WWDG+LCD1602秒表实验;* WWDG + LCD1602 秒表实验 *两个按键中断方式控制,计时精确到10ms *key1--Start/Stop---PA8(板子上User键) key2---Clear---PC13(板子上Tamper键) *LCD1602接线:D0~D7--->PD[0..7] RS->PE0 RW->PE1 E->PE2(外部接上拉电阻到5V) *by 追梦 2011-4-8 *change by:追梦 2011-
- 本文是基于Zigbee技术,采用CC2430模块构成传输网络,与中心控制板STM32之间进行2.4GHz的无线通信。控制板由STM32驱动触屏显示器,由编制的GUI界面,使用户简单方便的对家具环境进行控制与监视。可增加WIFI上网功能实现远程控制功能等,具有良好的可扩展性。-Design of Smart-home System Based on Zigbee (Department of Electrical Information Engineering, Northeast Petr
- 一个通过收发红外信号来实现的遥控计算器。通过中断来实时地响应用户的输入指令,MCU计算后的结果送回后显示。-An infrared signal through transceiver to achieve remote control calculator. By means of interrupts in real time in response to the instruction of the user' s input, the result after the calcul
- 单片机学习文件,用于单片机控制与学习入门应用。 -Microcontroller learning files for MCU control and learning portal applications.
- 12位和16位串行DA上位机控制软件和单片机源代码,这是一个项目里面包含DA芯片控制软件的部分源代码和软件。 -------------------------------------------------- 基本原理介绍: 上位机通过串口向单片机发送DA的控制字,单片机通过SPI接口对DA进行控制。 实现的功能是:在上位机上用户界面上设置一个电压值,DA对应的输出正确的电压。-12-bit and 16-bit serial DA PC control
- 这是一个单片控制红外接收的代码,能够显示用户编码与键数据码-This is a monolithic control infrared receiver of the code, the user can display the data code encoding and key
- 开发环境为RVDS4.0,基于开发板Tiny6410,,按键控制led和beep,按键通过外部中断方式来控制;当按下K1,四个用户led显示为流水灯;当按下K2,led全灭;当按下K3,led全亮;当按下K4,beep响一声;-Development environment for RVDS4.0, based development board Tiny6410,, key control led and beep, buttons to control through external in
- 开发环境为RVDS4.0,基于开发板Tiny6410,裸机程序,该程序涉及内容按键、中断、串口打印。 按键通过外部中断方式来控制,且串口打印按键信息;当按下K1,串口打印:Key1 is push down!,然后四个用户led显示为流水灯;当按下K2,串口打印:ey2 is push down!,然后led全灭;当按下K3,串口打印:Key3 is push down!,然后led全;当按下K4,串口打印:Key4 is push down!,然后beep响一声;-Development en
- 本源码程序为射频通信驱动代码,采用IAR system软件开发,以MSP430单片机为主控芯片,程序集成了CC1120,CC1200,CC1101等多种射频芯片,在使用时可通过用户自己屏蔽不需要的芯片,程序中均已文件分好,各种芯片的代码互不干扰。我已经通过测试,改程序可以直接运行,但用户在使用时需进行IAR软件的路径配置-The source program for RF communication driver code, using the IAR system software devel
- 在STM32开发板上实现19264(不带字库)和BC7276控制的键盘显示,内含delay.c(原子延时)、key.c、led.c、还有字库文件,在KEIL MDK5验证可用-In the STM32 development board 19264 (without fonts) and BC7276 control keyboard and display, containing delay.c (atomic delay), key.c, led.c, as well as font fil
- WIZ550web 是WIZnet最新推出的嵌入式网页服务器模块,基于全硬件TCP/IP以太网芯片W5500,用户可以通过网页在模块上控制/监控 16个可配置数字 I/O 及4个ADC. WIZ550web 可以根据用户使用目的,提供基础固件/网页实例定制。此版本是给予CoIDE开发-WIZ550web is WIZnet latest embedded web server module, based on full hardware TCP/IP Ethernet chip W5500, u