- The IWDG project is a simple program for the STM32F103RBT6 using Keil MCBSTM32 Evaluation Board and demonstrating the use of the Independent watchdog.
- 优龙公司FS44BOXI开发板实例程序,一共31个,包括aDC aSM aSM_C bootlodaer cache can cf dma gprs gps ide iis keyscan lcd led8X8 motor nandflash norflash pwm rtc SmartMedia_Card tftp Timer2_interrupt TouchPanel uart uClinux_driver uCOSII uCOSII_common USB_Device USB_HOST W
- 前面已经上载了四个源码,这个是看门狗的。如果要实验请批量下载,总共有5个,有的是在2410上测试的,有的是2440-as already uploaded 4 source code, this is a watchdog. If you want to experiment please bulk download, a total of 5, some of them in 2410 on the test, some 2440
- 看门狗 这是DK-LM3S9B96固件包裹的修正5228的一部分。 这种例子应用展示对看门狗的用途作为一简单的 心跳为系统。 如果周期性地没有对看门狗存取,它 将重新设置系统。 每次存取看门狗, LED如此被倒置 看是容易的存取它,一次发生每秒钟。 要停止存取看门狗,并且,因此,导致系统重新设置,轻拍屏幕。 -watchdog This is part of revision 5228 of the DK-LM3S9B96 Firmware Package.
- 下面是目录介绍 aDC---------aDC模数转换实验 aSM---------汇编程序实验 aSM_c-------汇编和C语言混合实验 CF----------CF读写实验 DcMotor-----直流电机实验 DMa——-----DMa数据传输实验 GPRS--------GPRS/GSM通讯实验 GPS---------GPS全球定位实验 IDE---------IDE测试实验 IIC---------IIC读写实验 IIS--------
- 32、STM32看门狗实验,我买的开发板里的例子,很不错的注释-32, STM32 watchdog experiment, I bought a development board in the example of very good comments
- lpc1766看门狗的典型应用示例,按手册修改而来,可以作为开发参考使用。-lpc1766 watchdog typical application example, by manual modified from, you can use as a development reference.
- 力天 arm210X源码程序(共19个例程)包括闪灯、看门狗、定时器、pwm、串口、数码管、12864液晶驱动-Litian arm210X source program (a total of 19 routines), including Flash, watchdog timer, pwm, serial, digital, LCD driver 12864
- 该工程编译工具是aDS1.2,开发板是S3C44b0x,主要实现功能是看门狗定时和复位功能,其它模块为辅助功能,可供初学者参考入门。最近在学习aRM的S3C44b0开发板,网上很多的源码下载后不能正确的运行的aDS环境下,故上传各分模块供参考!-The project build tool is aDS1.2, development board is S3C44b0x, the main function is to implement a watchdog timer and reset f
- STM32下的看门狗wdg程序,独立看门狗和窗口看门狗。正点原子的寄存器版本改成库函数版本的。-The STM32 the watchdog wdg program, an independent watchdog, and window watchdog. Punctuality register version of the atom into a library function version.
- stm32简易看门狗程序 函数库是2.0版本的 适合新手学习-The stm32 simple watchdog program library is a 2.0 version is suitable for novice learning
- 本文详细解释了8051单片机的看门狗原理,同时以STC89C52RC单片机为例书写了C语言代码,演示了看门狗的工作原理和机制。文中的代码稍加修改可以应用于aT89C5X单片机看门狗,STC12等系列的单周期指令单片机的看门狗。-This paper explain the watchdog of the 8051 single chip microcomputer principle, at the same time to STC89C52RC MCU as an example to wri
- 这是我写的MSP430F149程序,里面包含定时器,看门狗,PWM和RS485串口通信的源程序-This is my written the MSP430F149 program, which contains a timer, watchdog, PWM, RS485 serial communication source
- S3C2410裸机程序 各种注释 值得下载 有LED,中断,看门狗,LCD,串口等程序哦-S3C2410 bare Program notes worth downloading a LED, interrupts, watchdog, LCD, serial and other procedures oh
- The window watchdog is based on a 7-bit downcounter that can be set as free-running.