- G711 defines two main compression algorithms, the µ -law algorithm (used in North America & Japan) and A-law algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world). The code provide codec in C files for linux
- G711 defines two main compression algorithms, the µ -law algorithm (used in North America & Japan) and A-law algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world). The code provide codec in C files for linux-G711 defines two main compression algor
- G711 defines two main compression algorithms, the µ -law algorithm (used in North America & Japan) and A-law algorithm (used in Europe and the rest of the world). The code provide codec in C files for linux-G711 defines two main compression algor
- Hi3521是针对多路D1和多路高清DVR、NVR产品应用开发的一款专业高端SOC 芯片。Hi3521内置高性能A9处理器、高达8路D1实时多协议编解码能力的引擎和专用TOE 网络加速模块,应对越来越高的高清应用和网络需求;集成优异的视频引擎和编解码算法并结合多路高清显示输出能力,充分满足客户产品的高质量图像体验。Hi3521高度集成和丰富的外围接口,在满足客户差异化产品功能、性能、图像质量要求的同时,大大降低ebom成本。 -Hi3521 is a professional high-end
- 该压缩包创建了一个基于μVision4 IDE环境的工程,同时压缩包里还包含有源码src。该工程实现的主要功能是基于mini2440板上开发一个贪吃蛇游戏,程序实现包括贪吃蛇游戏算法、mini2440板液晶显示功能、触摸屏功能,该游戏是在mini2440板上裸机实现的。-The archive created an environment based μVision4 IDE project, while compressed bundle also contains source src. T
- 具有特殊点处理 具有冲刺加速 在迷宫边缘为随机算法,中心为中心法则-Sprint has a special point processing has accelerated in the maze edge of randomized algorithms, the center is the central dogma
- High temperature will affect the stability and performance of multi-core processors. A temperatureaware scheduling algorithm for soft real-time multi-core systems is proposed in this paper, namely LTCEDF (Low Thermal Contribution Early Deadline F