- 本文探讨使用 Linux作为嵌入式作业系统的方法,透过如何对内核、守护程序、库和应用程序等四个主要部份,进行缩减其大小后,以便配置在以闪存为存储设备的嵌入式系統中。-This paper discusses the use of Linux as an embedded operating system, kernel through how to protect their procedures, and application procedures for the four main par
- The aim of this application note is to show to scan the 4x4 matrix keypad multiplexed with a four 7-segment display. The software attached to this application note scans the pressed key and displays it on the multiplexed 7- segment LEDs. Thi
- 本程序是在ARM9200上实现对四线触摸屏的控制芯片ad7843的驱动 -this program is to achieve the right ARM9200 four-lane Touchscreen control of the driving chip ad7843
- 内存受限系统软件开发一书的代码。(虽不及Gang of Four的模式掷地有声,但也相当不错.使用c and java,姑且放到embeded linux一类中吧)-memory constrained systems software development of a code book. (And not the Gang of Four patterns resounding, but also quite good. C and the use of java, but if embed
- 使用jupiter外部中断4的驱动和测试程序-use Jupiter's four external interrupt-driven and test procedures
- 编写一个QT程序以打开一个窗口。窗体中主要有四个指示跑马灯状态的标签和一个控制跑马灯的按钮.步骤指导-Write a QT program to open a window. There are four main forms in the state indicate Marquee Marquee label and a control button Step guide
- 计算器,实现四则混合运算,带括号,带小数,小程序,c语言实现。-Calculator, to achieve four hybrid operation, with brackets, with a decimal, a small program, c language.
- 我写的st16c554串口扩展芯片的驱动程序,实现的思想是将st16c554的四个扩展串口当做四个st16c550串口来实现。-I wrote st16c554 serial extension driver for the chip to realize the idea is to extend st16c554 four serial ports as four serial ports to achieve st16c550.
- TI四线式电阻触摸芯片TSC2003LINUX驱动,根据Bill Gatliff版本修改而成!国产兼容芯片CS7103(IIC协议)。-TI four-wire resistance touch TSC2003LINUX driver chip, according to the version modified by Bill Gatliff! Domestic compatible chip CS7103 (IIC Protocol).
- linux下内存使用检查、泄漏检测工具等,可交叉编译,在arm平台中运行。-This is the set of files and directories for running the example code theat is part of the memory leak detection software. It consists of four directories. They are: dmalloc- files for building and
- Analysis of GPS data frame The design of the following four main data collection format: GPGGA (location information), GPRMC (Recommended Minimum location information), GPVTG (ground speed information), PGRME (forecast error message)-Analysis of GP
- 本源码是在linux2.6.12内核下的2410/2440四线式触摸屏的minigui1.6.0触摸驱动引擎-The source code is linux2.6.12 kernel of 2410/2440 four-wire touch screen touch-driven engine minigui1.6.0
- 基于linux2.6和三星S3c2440下四个led驱动程序的典型源码-Based on linux2.6 and Samsung S3c2440 next four drivers led the typical source
- 嵌入式linux平台下串口芯片st16c554的驱动,处理器为s3c2410,四路串口共享中断,外接时钟信号-Embedded linux platform serial chip st16c554 driven processor s3c2410, four serial ports share the interrupt, external clock signal
- 修改CPU频率的代码. 该程序模块中xllp_CPUfreq.s,xllp_freq.c,xllp_intc.s,xllp_freq.h四个文件是修改CPU频率的主要代码,使用前可以将这些文件和xllp目录下的文件编译在一起,以便可以在程序的任何地方调用它们,修改和读取CPU频率主要依靠调用xllp_freq.c文件中的两个函数完成:XLLPSetCoreRunFrequency,xllpGetCurrentFreqSetting。 其余代码只是一个调用这两个函数的一个例子,也可以自己
test TW2835
- TW2835驱动程序,四路模拟视频合成器的设计-TW2835 driver, four analog video synthesizer
- 用case描述的 四选一 数据选择器短小精湛初学者必看-With the case described in four short selection of a data selector superb must-see for beginners
- 该文件时一个在WMare workstation下linux内核升级工具,共有四个包:lvm2-2.00.25-1.01.i386 ;device-mapper-1.00.19-2.i386 ;module-init-tools-3.2.tar ;mkinitrd-4.1.18-2.i386-The document under a WMare workstation linux kernel upgrade tool, a total of four packages: lvm2-2.00.2
- nfs_root目录 里面是Linux的4个根文件系统,对应4个子目录: ① 最小的根文件系统fs_mini; ② 使用mdev机制的最小根文件系统fs_mini_mdev; ③ 含有qtopia图形程序的根文件系统fs_qtopia; ④ 含有X Window图形程序的根文件系统fs_xwindow。-nfs_root directory inside the 4 Linux root file system, corresponding to four subd
- at91sam9260的linux的ADC驱动,8位精度,可以修改成10位模式,AIN0--AIN3,四通道输入。应外附上测试程序,方便调试。-at91sam9260 of linux the ADC driver, 8-bit precision, can be modified into a 10-bit mode, AIN0- AIN3, four-channel input. Outside the testing procedure should be attached to faci