- This model is just testing an idea of MIMO, which IEEE802.11n will have. But I havo not seen the standard, I tried to make it with 11a. Actually this model would not work in real world, because the preambles were not designed to solve the
- 2006年大学生嵌入式系统专题竞赛 移动数字电视-2006 Embedded Systems feature race Mobile Digital TV
- 有了内核的代码,但是天哪,都太大了,有什么工具才可以迅速下载到目标板呢,tftp就有这个功能,运行在pc上!-with kernel code, but alas, too, what tools can quickly download it to the target board, tftp have this feature, running on the pc!
- minigui,开源Linux图形用户界面支持系统,已经发展成为比较成熟的性能优良的、功能丰富的跨操作系统的嵌入式图形界面支持系统-minigui, open-source Linux graphical user interface support system, has developed into a more mature with excellent performance, feature-rich cross-OS GUI support system for embedded
- 这是基于framebuffer的功能开发的stm32的led源程序,是学习framebuffer的好资料.-This is based on the development of framebuffer feature stm32 the led source, is to learn good information on framebuffer.
- 经过网上查阅大量相关资料,边学习边实践,在失败中步步推进,历经诸多曲折,耗费 大量时间后,终于安装移植成功,特写下此文,为有意做这方面工作的同志们留下点参考资 料。整个安装及移植过程经过本人亲自测试,保证能用。 警告:一次完整的安装及移植大概需要 12 个小时左右,前提是中间不出错,如果出了 错,那就得重来了...... -Through online access to a lot of information, learning with doing, step by
- Android特色开发,Android应用开发Android游戏开发实例,AndroidOpenGL开发-Android feature development, Android application development Android game development examples, AndroidOpenGL development
- 一个在Qt-Linux下的日历,带有软键盘和点击记事功能,可以利用软件盘操作日历。记事功能可以选择备选的四种之一。-Qt-Linux under a calendar, with the soft keyboard and click on notebook features, you can use the software disk operating calendar. Notepad feature can select one of the four options.
- 这是一个minigui下编的一个程序,功能比较全,对初学者应该有帮助。-This is a compilation of a program under minigui, full-feature comparison, there should be help for beginners.
- 在上次的加载图片程序上新增了socket功能,可以在切换图片的同时与运行于PC端的MenuServer建立TCP通信,将当前图片的路径信息发送至server端。-Procedures in the last loading pictures added socket feature, you can switch the pictures in the same time and run on the PC side of the MenuServer establish TCP communi
- u-boot的源码(支持USB烧写,支持yaffs,支持tftp,支持自己更新开机logo等特性)-u-boot source code (support USB programming, support yaffs, supports tftp, boot logo, etc. to support their update feature)
- 简易计算器的C语言实现。主要特点是模块的划分-Simple Calculator in C language. Main feature is the division of the module
- 嵌入式在C环境中实现一对通信聊天功能,嵌入式实验源代码。-Embedded in the C environment to achieve a pair of communicating chat feature, embedded test source code.
- 利用TCP实现一对一或者群聊功能的聊天系统-Use TCP to achieve one or group chat feature chat system
- notify 是一个 Linux特性,它监控文件系统操作,比如读取、写入和创建。Inotify 反应灵敏,用法非常简单,并且比 cron 任务的繁忙轮询高效得多。学习如何将 inotify 集成到您的应用程序中,并发现一组可用来进一步自动化系统治理的命令行工具。-Inotify is a Linux feature that monitors file system operations such as read, write, and create. Inotify is responsive
- In the MATLAB image texture feature, Since writing the curvature calculation function, Including scr ipt files and function files in the form.
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target, ECG data and includes source code written in MATLAB, Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm.
- It describes the application of load forecasting, Contains two clients receive link-level communications program, For feature extraction, signal de-noising.
- Complete set content, basic hyperspectral image processing, For feature extraction, signal de-noising, matlab prepared cellular automata.