- DOS-C version 1.0 Beta 2 for PC/XT/AT/AT386/AT486 免费的 DOS 操作系统及完全的源代码,可用于工业控制,嵌入系统等,不需要支付额外的费用。兼容 MS-DOS Directory Structure ------------------- dos-c root directory +-----dist holds image of distribution disk +-----doc
- STC12C5A60S2的工程模板 用于stc的51系列单片机C51 - Struction descr iption 1.BSP Board s config header a).IOconfig.h define extern component s IO pin
- 一种基于Arduous单片机的p.i.d控制程序,可以通过使能端控制被控对象的输出变化方向,例如电机正反转、冰箱升温降温等。也可以根据个人需要去掉使能端,只用PID算法。(A P.I.D controller is accomplished based on M.C.U. we download the P.I.D lib from Internet and add it to the developing software environment. finally, we developed
3 D Model lib
- altium的3d封装库,很全,非常丰富(Altium's 3D package library, very full, very rich)