- CRC16,C语言运算源码,包括四种算法,直接计算法,半查表法,全查表法,双8位表全查表法,适用于工业控制领域校验通讯数据使用,和MODBUS数据校验,在对不同的系统资源的要求环境下,采用不同的算法-CYXLIC REDUNDANCY, C language source computing, including four algorithms, direct calculation method, semi-look-up table method, the whole look-up tab
- 单片机广泛应用于自动控制系统中,用于对过程(如化学过程、热力学过程、机械加工过程等)和对象(如设备等)进行控制。单片机作为控制器,它的任务在于按照某一变量(即过程变量)的测定值调整过程的状态,使之稳定在标准值上。控制器的操作方式称为控制法则或控制-The microcontroller is widely used in automatic control systems for process control (such as chemical processes, thermodynamic
- 文中给出了数据融合算法,并提出把数据融合方法应用于火电机组的在线性能计算中,使计算结果能更完善、准确地反映机组的运行状况。这种数据融合方法计算简便,可以反映传感器在空间或时间上的冗余或互补的信息,获得比有限个传感器的算术平均值更准确的测量结果,具有较高的可靠性,实际应用结果证实了该算法的准确性,可推广到其它具有正态分布特性测量结果的数据融合。-Paper gives the data fusion algorithms, and to make the data fusion method is
- 本文档提供了用C语言写的单片机滤波算法,因为单片机尽管不擅长实现算法和进行复杂的运算,但在一些特定的场合,如实时动态测量等应用上还是要实现一定的滤波算法。-This document provides the use of C language written in single-chip filtering algorithm, because the realization of single-chip, while not good at algorithms and complex ca
- c-c++的绘图算法,使用于单片机如51或者arm的开发着使用。-c-c++ graphics algorithms, used in single-chip microcomputer, such as 51 or the use of the development arm.
- 课程设计的目的 本设计的目的是:加深对进程概念及进程管理各部分内容的理解;熟悉FCFS和SPF两种进程调度算法。 课程设计的要求 (1)设计一个完整的进程调度系统,系统中至少包括5个进程;(2)定义PCB; (3)采用链表管理就绪队列; (4)结果要能够显示出进程的调度序列及进入系统的时间、运行时间等必要信息。-The purpose of the curriculum design of the purpose of this design are: better unde
- 将红外光电对管用于智能车模自动循线 控制,不仅抗光线干扰能力强,响应时间短,成本低, 而且通过对光电对管布置方案的优化,能实现满意 的循线控制。结合我国首届飞思卡尔杯全国智能汽 车大赛的车模设计,对智能车模循线控制系统的软、 硬件设计思路,控制算法,程序代码等进行了论述。-Infrared photoelectric tube models for smart on-line automatic control, not only in light of anti-inter
- CPU调度算法---模拟OS所使用的所有调度算法,包括创建一个kernel,PCB,队列,调度器等。-CPU Scheduler algorithms FCFS SJF Priority This code is a simulation of all the Scheduling algorithms an OS uses. I have tried creating a Kernel, PCB, Queue, Scheduler etc. what all an OS needs to
- 语音处理技术是一门新兴的技术,它不仅包括语音的录制和播放,还涉及语音的压缩编码和解码,语音的识别等各种处理技术。以往做这方面的设计,一般有两个途径:一种方案是单片机扩展设计,另一种就是借助于专门的语音处理芯片。普通的单片机往往不能实现这么复杂的过程和算法,即使勉强实现也要加很多的外围器件。专门的语音处理芯片也比较多,如ISD 系列、PM50 系列等,但是专门的语音处理芯片功能比较单一,想在语音之外的其他方面应用基本是不可能的。-Voice processing technology is an
- Tinyos flood algorithms in NesC
- While many computer science textbooks are confined to teaching programming code and languages, Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing takes a step back to introduce and explore algorithms -- the content of the code. Focusing on thre
- FIFO and FCFS Scheduling Algorithms in C
- Algorithms in C Sedgewick 1990 Addison - Wesley-Algorithms in C Sedgewick 1990 Addison - Wesley
- Speech Processing has rapidly emerged as one of the most widespread and wellunderstood application areas in the broader discipline of Digital Signal Processing. Besides the telecommunications applications that have hitherto been the largest users
- top ten algorithms in Data mining from CRC press, which will helpful to those who are doing relative works.
- Algorithms Copyright c 2006 S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani July 18, 2006-This book evolved over the past ten years from a set of lecture notes developed while teaching the undergraduate Algorithms course at Berkeley and U.
- The paper deals with the control methods of the active power ¯ lter with voltage source which can be used for reduction of high harmonics in the supply current. For the correct function of the ¯ lter, it is necessary to determine magnitud
- algorithm in vlsi and data structure book
- Beagle Board 是一种开放硬件的单板计算机,能够以合理的速度运行 Linux,同时保持价格低廉。建立MATLAB的simulink模型来模拟Beagle Board的硬件支持。-The BeagleBoard (www.beagleboard.org) is a low-cost, single-board computer designed for audio, video, and digital signal processing. With R2012a, Simul
- 利用PWM输出方式控制的蜂鸣器播放生日快乐曲子的简单功能源码及相关文档介绍(A collection of data structure algorithms in C language,From 'big talk data structure'.)