- CodeVision AVR C Compiler使用简介 CodeVision AVR C 源程序例子 CodeVisionAVR C 编译器参考 CodeVisionAVR C 库函数介绍-CodeVision AVR C Compiler using the profile CodeVision AVR C source code examples CodeVisionAVR C compiler, reference CodeVisionAVR C library function
- DDS AD9959 with Graphic LCD TCB8000C and keyboard and thumbwheel by Codevision AVR 2.03.4 Standard
- Simple running text on 2X16 HD44780 LCD.. for AVR (Codevision AVR). You can modify this source code for your specific requirement. You should recompile this code using CodeVision AVR V2.03.9 or later.
- lcd atmega16 with codevision
- a program to display real clock on character LCD using AVR-atmega16 written in Codevision compiler.
- several examples for AVR Atmega16, useful for beginners, implemented by Codevision and Proteus. these examples help you on how to use LCD, Decoders, Interrupt, 7Segment and Serial Port.
- RFID reader access with I2C eeprom + LCD display for AVR ATmega8 (CodeVision Compiler recommended). Configure it with 9600 buad with external interrupt for first use (Modify capacity first). Be aware to pin7 of eeprom must be grounded pin5 & pin6