- 用C编写基于凌阳SPCE061A芯片的图象识别模块可实现(1)获得数据并处理。(2)控制按扭KEY1,播放物体的形状和颜色。(3)分辩的颜色:红色、绿色、蓝色、黄色。(4)分辩的形状:正方形、长方形、圆形、三角形。(5)控制按键KEY2,小车跟着红色的物体移动,别的颜色不做跟踪。-prepared based on the C Sunplus SPCE061A chip image recognition module can be realized (1) access to data and
- 图像识别模块,凌阳单片机实现,包含电路和源程序,可实现形状识别和颜色识别。-Image recognition module, Sunplus to achieve, including circuits and source code can be realized shape recognition and color recognition.
- Tutorial: Algorithms for 2-Dimensional Object Recognition. Representation of arbitrary shape for purposes of visual recognition is an unsolved problem. The task of representation is intimately constrained by the recognition process and one cannot b
shape recognition
- 形状识别,上下扫描,基于stm32使用OV7670(Shape recognition,basic on stm32 using OV7670)