- ADS开发环境下的绘制图形GUI软件包,控制液晶屏或者OLED均可-ADS development environment mapping GUI graphics packages, control or OLED LCD screen can be
- ADS开发环境下的生成菜单的GUI软件包,在液晶屏或者OLED屏生成菜单均可。-ADS development environment under the menu generation of GUI packages, in LCD or OLED screen menu can be generated.
- ADS开发环境下的生成窗口的GUI软件包,在液晶屏或者OLED屏生成窗口均可。在LPC2210单片机上调试通过,可放心使用!-ADS development environment window to the generation of GUI packages, in LCD or OLED screen window can be generated. LPC2210 MCU debugging through, can be assured use!
- 最强万年历源码v3.0(个人原创) 支持所有的单片机、ARM、AVR、MSP430、PIC等(支持C开发) 可嵌入任何标准C编译器 BC++、VC、ADS、KEIL等-strongest calendar FOSS v3.0 (personal originality) support all the microcontroller, ARM, AVR, MSP430, PIC, etc. (C support development) can be embedded into any
- 本程序有友善之臂提供,为2440开发板的示例程序,请使用ADS编译。 简单使用说明: 使用H-Jtag或者更高级的仿真器调试,也可以不使用仿真器,借助supervivi的Download & Run功能测试, 下载的时候把DNW的下载地址设置为 0x30000000 即可。 本程序支持如下LCD: - NEC3.5"真彩LCD,分辨率240x320 - 7寸真彩LCD, 分辨率800x480 - VGA扩展模块,分辨率1024x768@70Hz 若要在LCD上正常显示
- 将Windows矢量字体转换为可供嵌入式系统的LCD、LED等直接使用的十六进制数组,在ADS1.2中实测可直接include使用。-This is a font coverter which can convert any font style in windows to pixel array(in hex value) that can be used in embedded system. File gernerated by this tool can be included in p
- LPC2103 下的4*4矩阵按键 的基本程序 调试通过,可以直接使用 ADS环境下的-LPC2103 under 4* 4 matrix of keys through the basic procedures for debugging, you can directly use the ADS environment
- 2410电机驱动,ADS编译,测试没问题对触摸屏有兴趣的初学者可以用-2410 motor drive, ADS compiler, testing is no problem on the touch screen are interested in the beginners can use
- ARM2410AD接口程序,ADS编译,测试没问题对触摸屏有兴趣的初学者可以用-ARM2410AD interface program, ADS compiler, testing is no problem on the touch screen are interested in the beginners can use
- ads arm7开发驱动12864液晶显示屏,可以实现屏幕保护功能,和温度测量等-ads arm7 the development of LCD driver 12864, screen saver function can be achieved, and temperature measurement
- 在ADS编译环境以及keil-ARM这两种编译环境下通用的arm-core头文件,并用金鹏串行12864进行验证,用此arm-core开发程序可以不受编译器头文件缺少的限制-In the ADS environment and compiler keil-ARM compiler environment of these two common arm-core header files, and verify Jinpeng serial 12864, with the arm-core dev
- ADS 学校时用的课件,希望新人能用的着。-ADS school courseware used hope you can use
- 一个在ADS下开发的MP3的程序,建立在ARM芯片的基础上,你可以试着建立在自己的硬件上-Developed under an MP3 in the ADS program, established on the basis of the ARM chip, you can try to build their own hardware
- LCD320X240的驱动开发。也是在ADS下进行试验过,可以运行的。-LCD320X240 driven development. Also tested under the ADS, you can run.
- 随着镜面广告牌这一概念的提出,镜面传媒这一广告形式得以迅速地发展。镜面传媒是以镜子或玻璃作为广告发布载体,通过在美容美发厅、娱乐场所、婚纱影楼、酒店、大型购物商场等公众场所的镜子或玻璃表面装设广告发布装置、如静态广告牌或广告播放机,使消费者在闲暇时光里可以长时间关注所展示的广告-With the mirror made the concept of billboards, the advertising media to mirror the rapid development. Mirror
- 通过超级终端可以看到DMA测试的结果和DMA传输数据的时长。 // IDE环境: ADS v1.2-HyperTerminal can see the results of the DMA, and DMA transfer data length of time. //IDE environment: ADS v1.2,
- 工程名称: CAN.mcp 功能描述: 测试CAN总线收发器MCP2510,用回环模式,自发自收 // IDE环境: ADS v1.2 // 涉及的库: 无 // 组成文件: main.c MCP2510.c MCP2510.h-Project Name: CAN.mcp //Function: Testing the CAN bus transceiver MCP2510, loop-back mode, spontaneous self-closing //IDE env
- lpc2138在ADS环境下的电子琴设计,可以播放一定的音乐,为2138入门做一个基础-lpc2138 design in the the ADS environment under the keyboard, you can play some music, make a foundation for 2138 entry
- 万年历,支持所有的单片机、ARM、AVR、MSP430、PIC等(支持C开发) 可嵌入任何标准C编译器 BC++、VC、ADS、KEIL等-Calendar, support all MCU, ARM, AVR, MSP430, the PIC (supports C development) can be embedded in any standard C compiler BC++ VC, ADS, KEIL
- ADS环境下开发的惯性导航工程,FREEIMU算法,实现姿态实时求解,三星2440芯片,MPU6050传感器组,上电可运行-ADS development environment inertial navigation project, FREEIMU algorithm to achieve real-time solving attitude, Samsung 2440 chip, MPU6050 sensors, power can be run