1 介绍
SJA1000 是一个独立的 CAN 控制器 它在汽车和普通的工业应用上有先进的特征 由于它和
PCA82C200 在硬件和软件都兼容 因此它将会替代 PCA82C200 SJA1000 有一系列先进的功能 适合
于多种应用 特别在系统优化 诊断和维护方面非常重要-1 introduced the SJA1000 is an independent CAN controller in the automotive and general industrial applic
Modern Circuit Placement: Best Practices and Results describes advanced techniques in VLSI circuit placement which is one of the most important steps of the VLSI physical design flow. Physical design addresses the back-end layout stage of the chip de