- Proteus的元件模型,按照LM2068的LCD屏做的,项目上用到这屏,可是Proteus没有,所以做了一个.,Proteus component model, in accordance with LM2068' s LCD screen to do the project on the need to invoke the screen, but Proteus does not work, so one.
- 】文中重点讨论基于单片机的光电脉冲编码器计数器的软件倍频和辨向原理,并从编码 盘条纹和位置检测元件的空间分布原理出发给出了在编码器输出A、B 正交方波的前提下最多只 能4 倍频的结论,最后介绍了集倍频、辨向、计数于一体的单片机计数器原理,该计数器具有消除抖 动误计数、倍频数可选、计数长度无限制的特点-】 The article focused on single-chip-based optical pulse encoder software counter to the prin
- 本文采用了一种层次化、组件自治的仿真平台_J.Sim,对该平台 下的无线传感器网络相关组件进行了扩展。针对MAC协议的能量有效性 和底层可能遭受的攻击行为,进行了一系列的仿真实验,输出了相关的 能耗图。通过与其它MAC能耗仿真结果对比和底层攻击仿真结果分析, 我们得出该协议有着较好的能量有效性和攻击应对能力。-As the hardware platform iS lacked.we choose the J.Sim simulator which is built upon
- 红外遥控解码器 该小制作所需要的元件很少:单片机TA89C2051一只,RS232接口电平与TTL电平转换心片MAX232CPE 一只,红外接收管一只,晶振11.0592MHz,电解电容10uF4只,10uF一只,电阻1K1个,300欧姆左右1个,瓷片电容30P2个。发光二极管8个。价钱不足20元。-The small infrared remote control decoder component needed to produce very little: a microcontrol
- 本次设计利用三菱FX2N系列PLC作为核心部件,完成一个八路抢答器控制系统的制作。该系统可供八个或八组分台选手同时抢答,总台掌握着启动/停止开关、抢答开始按钮、抢答复位按钮、主持人安静提示按钮和手动设置个分台计分按钮等,分台则具有一个抢答按钮。该系统由七段数码管显示倒计时、分台号、选手计分和当前时间、温度情况,并作为被控设备由PLC驱动。因为系统中有很多七段数码管,所以我运用了动态扫描的方法来减少端口数。有一个蜂鸣器提示抢答开始、抢答复位、回答超时、抢答违规、无人抢答和安静提示。有17个发光二极
- The ever-increasing reliance on electronic devices which utilize AC power highlights the problems associated with the unexpected loss of power from the electrical grid. In places where the electrical infrastructure is not well-developed, brown-outs c
- 对proteus7如何自制元件以及制作该软件的相应封装做出了一个较详细的说明,适合初学者使用-a guide of how to make one s own compontent in proteus7, and how to make the footprint of the component accordingly, suited for the beginner of the software
- The oscilloscope is one of the most important tools to be used by any electronics hobbyist but not everybody can afford to have one. As commercial scopes are often too expensive, almost every electronics hobbyist thought a certain time to build one f
- A one-dimensional transfer matrix method to calculate the phonon crystal structure, The method of cumulative contribution rate gmcalab fast generalized form component analysis.
- Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum, Principal component analysis of multivariate data analysis projection, Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic crystals.
- Is the basis of the signal processing, Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic crystals, Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis.