- C8051F020单片机USB驱动程序例子,实现ADC0采样芯片温度,通过LCD显示,并通过串口0再经过CP2102芯片“UART-USE”(J19)发送到PC机。-C8051F020 MCU USB driver for example, to achieve ADC0 sampling chip temperature, through the LCD display, and through the serial port 0 go through CP2102 chip, " U
- Naze 32 多旋翼飞控的源代码,硬件资源如下:STM32F103C8T6 32-bit ARM Cortex M3, 72MHz, 64K flash (128K actual), 20K SRAM ADXL345 Accel MPU3050 Gyro BMP085 Pressure sensor HMC5883L Mag CP2102 USB>Serial bridge 6 + 8 PWM I/O, can be reassigned for other fu
- 普遍使用的USB转串口通讯芯片,适用于非常多的嵌入式环境。(The widely used USB transfer serial communication chip is suitable for a very large number of embedded environments.)