- Propagation of sound in the medium is defined as the longitudinal wave. When the sound waves by the large size of its wavelength blocking occurs when the object reflected, the reflected wave is called echo. If the sound wave propagation speed in the
- 基于了LabVIEW的虚拟示波器的设计包括VI和详细的报告 设计目的及任务: 1、掌握利用A/D转换和计算机资源实现示波器的设计方法。 2、设计虚拟示波器。 3、建立NI-DAQmx仿真设备,选择E系列中的NI PCI-6071E数据采集卡的仿真模块,通过DAQmx物理通道识别,产生模拟信号,然后基于LabVIEW开发平台设计实现虚拟示波器。基本可以实现仪器的性能与可靠性,可以方便的对其编程, 实现对数据的采集、实时显示、数字滤波、截波显示、波形存储、波形回显、频谱分析等
- 本设计介绍了基于单片机控制的超声测距的原理:由STC89C52控制定时器产生一定频率脉冲,计算从发射到接收回波时间,从而得到实测距离,数据处理采用,lcd1602显示距离,WTD588D语音播报。-This design introduces MCU control based on the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement: STC89C52 controlled by a timer to generate a certain freq
- Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, Fractal dimension calculation algorithm matlab code blankets, Based on the time delay estimation of power spectrum.