- ILI9325控制器数据手册,26万真彩色控制-ILI9325 is a 262,144-color one-chip SoC driver for a-TFT liquid crystal display with resolution of 240RGBx320 dots, comprising a 720-channel source driver, a 320-channel gate driver, 172,800 bytes RAM for graphic data of 2
- MEGA48与异或门驱动LCD+红外控制原理图 eagle编译-MEGA48 XOR gate driver with LCD+ Infrared control schematic compiler eagle
- 驱动显示屏硬件的栅和段的位数,控制16312的四个输出口数据。-Hardware display driver section of the gate and the median of the four control output 16312 data.
- 基于中断控制的声光报警器的设计.采用中断方式,设计一个声光报警器的硬件电路和控制程序。程序运行时,一旦8位开关信号量状态满足设定条件,就触发中断,使发光二级管按规律闪烁,同时扬声器播放一段音乐。 硬件设备包括一台微机、一个MFID微机实验箱、一块T型板,2输入四与门 74ls08、8位总线驱动器 74ls245、LM386A音频放大器、排阻、扬声器各一个,发光二极管8个,470uF电容2个、104电容4个,插线若干。 -Interrupt-based control of sound a
- 高压悬浮门驱动IC,作者:QQ 64134703 ,电子毕业设计,欢迎咨询 -High-voltage gate driver suspended IC, of: QQ 64134703, e-graduate design, please consult
- The LC4608C is a driver for ink-jet printer heads with 64- bit output. It converts 4-bit parallel input into 16-step gray scale output by regulating the transmission gate’s output time.
- The ST7735 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 396 source line and 162 gate line driving circuits.
- 厂家没有公布的Datasheet! ETK6201 是1/7~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路。由 11 根段输出、6 根栅输出、1 根段/ 栅输出,1 个显示存储器、控制电路、键扫描电路组成了一个高可靠性的单片机外围 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通过4 线串行接口输入到 ETK6201 ,采用SOP32 的封装形式。-The manufacturers did not announce the Datasheet! ETK6201 is 1/7 to 1/8 duty cycle LE
- IC:ILI9481 stm32程序IC:ILI9481IC:ILI9481 stm32程序 IC:ILI9481IC:ILI9481 stm32程序 -ILI9481L is a 262,144-color single-chip SoC driver for a-TFT liquid crystal display with resolution of 320RGBx240 dots, comprising a 960-channel source driver, a 240-channel