- CDB5463U Engineering Board and GUI Software The CDB5463U is an inexpensive tool designed to evaluate the functionality and performance of the CS5463 analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The evaluation board includes an LT1019 voltage reference, a
- 虚拟逻辑分析仪 版本:LabVIEW 8.0-Descr iption: The Virtual Logic Analyzer is a development tool for monitoring VI execution. It is especially useful for optimizing the performance of multi-threaded, parallel applications. Monitoring Data and Timing informa
- USART Bootloader for STM32 Family devices-Small universal tool for handling USART STM32 bootloader. Works with all STM32 family devices (also with newest STM32F4 and STM32F0). Dedicated especially for Linux users. Works in shell. There are plans to m