- CMOS图像传感器OV7725的寄存器配置信息,CMOS image sensor OV7725 registers configuration information
- 图形点阵型LCD控制芯片ST7565R驱动程序,点亮全屏,并显示相关图片信息,已通过测试,Graphic point of formation LCD controller chip ST7565R driver, lit full-screen, and display the relevant image information, has been tested
- 12864液晶的初始化,文字显示,图像显示,字符手册等有关程序及资料。-12864 initialization, text, image display, the characters and relevant procedures manuals and information.
- 适用于图像快速显示的TFT控制器资料(包含源码与彩屏型号说明) 是彩屏示波器/信号源的理想选择. 公司内部资料.-Applied to image fast TFT display controller information (including source code and color type descr iption) is a color oscilloscope/signal generator an ideal choice. Company information.
- 本文详细介绍了我们为首届全国智能车大赛而准备的智能车系统方案。该 系统以Freescale16 位单片机MC9S12DG128 作为系统控制处理器,采用基于的 摄像头的图像采样模块获取赛道图像信息,通过边缘检测方法提取赛道黑线, 求出小车与黑线间的位置偏差,采用PID 方式对舵机转向进行反馈控制。通过 自制的速度传感器实时获取小车速度,采用Bang-Bang 控制策略形成速度闭环 控制。小车还将通过特定算法分析出前方的路况,并根据路况的不同而为小车 分配以不同的速度。文中
- 该C程序是基于MSP430的液晶显示程序,液晶是网上很流行的“27元超值液晶”。最近研究这个的人很多,这是一款手机液晶320*240,彩色TFT液晶。但是该液晶没有驱动芯片资料,所以,开发起来很困难,经过一段时间的努力,我已经实现了AD采样数据动态显示(示波器),图像显示等功能。-The C program is based on the MSP430 process of liquid crystal display, liquid crystal is a very popular line
- The Blind Deconvolution Algorithm can be used effectively when no information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF) simultaneously. The accelerated, damped Richardson-
- The Lucy-Richardson algorithm can be used effectively when the point-spread function PSF (blurring operator) is known, but little or no information is available for the noise. The blurred and noisy image is restored by the iterative, accelerated, dam
- 单片机通过串口与电脑通信,通过VB2005达到人机界面可视化操作,直观形象! 单片机将采样来的信息通过串口传到VB中,从VB中显示转速!-Single-chip computer through the serial communications, the adoption of VB2005 visualization to achieve human-machine interface operation, intuitive image! Single-chip will sample
- Image enhancement The aim of image enhancement is to improve the interpretability or perception of information in images for human viewers, or to provide `better input for other automated image processing techniques. Image enhancement techniques
- 论文——光电成像论文,智能光电成像技术的基本过程是:首先利用全息摄影技术,采集物体的光点信息;再利用光电转换技术将所得的光信息转换成电信号,最终转换为数字信号;对数字信号进行处理再经光电转换技术将数字信号重新恢复为光信号,实现对物体的立体图像虚拟显示。本文从理论上具体分析了各部分技术的实现,并指出了智能光电成像技术的实际应用。-Paper- Optical imaging papers, intelligent optical imaging technology is the basic pr
- 伺服控制类的资料,包括高速电机高精度伺服控制、基于图像矩的视觉伺服控制及应用、主从机器人系统设计与双向伺服控制等,资料很好很全面。-Servo control type of information, including high-speed high-precision servo motor control, image-based visual servo control and the moment the application of master-slave robot system
- 应用单片机编程来显示汉字、字母、数字及图像,用来各种信息显示。- Using the monolithic integrated circuit programming demonstrated that the Chinese character, the letter, the digit and the image, use for each kind of information demonstration.
- Purpose of image processing Processing of image data for storage, display & transmission Improvement of pictorial information for Human Perception Improvement of pictorial information for Machine Perception Typical application areas
- lena 图像信息熵 分为统计独立和非统计独立(二元联合熵)的代码,所用图像为256*256bmp-Lena image information entropy divided into statistical independence and non statistical independence (two yuan joint entropy) code, image using 256*256bm
- STM32通过无线模块接收图像信息,并通过串口传到PC端,实现无线图像实时采集。-STM32 receiving image information via a wireless module, and spread to the PC via the serial port, wireless real-time image acquisition.
- stm32F051读写串行FLASH,将图片信息读出,然后再240*320的LCD液晶屏上显示-stm32F051 write serial FLASH, the image information read out, and then displayed on the LCD 240* 320 LCD screen
- 本项目以摄像头OV7670作为图像传感器,以存储芯片AL422作为数据中转站,以处理芯片STM32作为图像采集系统的控制核心,以TFT液晶显示屏作为图像显示器,实现了基于摄像头图像采集的STM32处理显示系统,完成了图像的快速采集、存储、数据处理及图像显示。首先摄像头采集到图像,通过传输线路把采集到的信息存储在AL422内部,然后传给STM32处理;其次STM32建立二维坐标,把采集到的图像进行坐标定位;最后STM32将分析后的信息进行相应的处理,处理后的信息经过TFT将图像显示出来。-Came
- 此程序实现了c8051f340单片机结合摄像头进行使用,并通过串口将图片信息上传给上位机-This program achieved c8051f340 microcomputer with the camera for use, and the image information is uploaded via the serial port to the host computer
- 通过STM32F407驱动ov7620摄像头,并对采集的图像进行二值化,灰度化等处理,能识别出人脸,并将图像信息显示在3.4寸的液晶触摸屏上。(Through the STM32F407 driver OV7620 camera, and collect the image for two values, grayscale and other processing, can identify the face, and display the image information on the