- 使用C语言与VHDL实现 液晶显示控制器示例使用说明 使用模块有:单片机模块、液晶显示模块。 使用步骤: 1. 打开电源+5V。 2. 信号连接,按下表将1K30信号与实际模块连接好。 3. 1K30板连接好并口线,并将程序加载。 4. 液晶屏上将显示一幅图像。 -use C language and VHDL LCD controller using examples of the use of modules : SCM modules, LCD disp
- 本程序是基于LM12864L系列开发的液晶显示源程序,该程序用于可以用于显示图像,用专用的软件对图像进行编码后,就可以显示各种图像,也可以显示数字,英文符号,汉字等。而且也很容易实现程序的移植。-this program is based on the development of the series LM12864L LCD source. The procedure can be used to display the image using special software for im
- In this paper, we describe the development of a rapidly reconfigurable system in which the users’ tacit knowledge and requirements are elicited via a process of Interactive Evolution, finding the image processing parameters to achieve the required
- 用C语言对12864进行编程,可以显示任意自定图像,并设有8级菜单,可以显示温度、时间。-12864 using C programming language, you can show that any self-image, and has eight menu, you can show the temperature and time.
- TI提供的所有例程都是要接到支持复合视频的电视机上面显示图像,DM642-PCI板子提供了一个VGA接口,本人经过修改显示模块,可以在VGA的显示器上面显示-TI provides support for all the routines are to receive a composite video television image shown above, DM642-PCI board provides a VGA interface, show me the revised modul
- 12864显示模块 程序包含图象显示字母显示汉字显示等 很好 自己的-12864 display module program that contains an image of the letters show his good character display
- 一个用c51处理的小车程序,对图像进行识别-A car with c51 processing procedures, to identify image
- 利用12864显示文字和图片,显示器件为LCD,用C语言编写-12864 show using text and image display for the LCD, using C language
- 和众达的开发板的自带程序,实现图像数据的采集,反色,播放等功能。-The programmer is about the image data capture inverse and show in the seeddsp dsk
- 利用原理图画的pcb,显示二维图,3维图,3D图显示-PCB schematic drawings show two-dimensional image, three-dimensional drawings, 3D figure shows
- 基于STC89C52和液晶12864的图片显示程序,仅单张图片,有取模软件提供图片源码。-STC89C52 and 12864-based LCD image display program, only a single picture, the picture has a modulo-source software.
- 开机的时候先检测SD卡是否存在,然后初始化FAT文件系统,在这之后开始查找根目录下的PICTURE文件夹,如果找到则显示该文件夹下面的图片,循环显示,通过按KEY0和KEY1可以快速浏览下一张和上一张。如果未找到图片文件夹/图片,则提示错误。同样我们也是用LED0来指示程序正在运行。-Boot time to detect whether there is an SD card, and then initialize the FAT file system, after which it be
- 此工程功能是利用51单片机驱动TFT彩屏模块,同时读写SD卡,将图片或文字显示在彩屏上,显示温度,字体随温度变化而变化。-This engineering feature is the use of 51 single-chip driver TFT color display modules, and SD card reader, the image or text is displayed on the color screen, show temperature, font with t
- Atmega32A与OV7670,显示BMP图像到320x240 TFT屏幕(Atmega32A with OV7670, show BMP image to 320x240 TFT Screen)