- For Security Applications,four high quality NTSC/PAL video decoders, dual color display controllers and dual video encoders
- 以四轴的动作原理做成的 3D 空中鼠标,鼠标工作时稳定不抖动,控制端以 STM32F103RB / MPU6050 / NRF24L01 之组合而成,并附有 TP4057 充电管理器,而接收端也以 STM32F103VB / NRF24L01 的组合搭配,经测试后已接近成品之品质,且于控制手感上也做了一系列优化如下: 1.智能双击和拖动,能有效避免点击时抖动造成的双击失败。 2.移动带有加速度功能,如同雷蛇鼠标的设置方式,能明确让手感提升。 3.带有滚动功能,左右键
- H.264 is an open, licensed standard that supports the most efficient video compression techniques available today. Without compromising image quality, an H.264 encoder can reduce the size of a digital video file by more than 80 compared with the
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