- VC中实现的生产者和消费者问题的算法。此为转帖,算法讲的不错。-VC achieve producers and consumers of the algorithm. This was patented algorithm for the good.
uCOS-II V2.52--Keil for MCS51
- 本文面向首次接触uC/OS-II的程序员,为他们介绍一下这个系统的一些基本特征和编程上的注意事项,并介绍几个值得了解的API。本文作者已经成功的将uC/OS-II移植到几种不同CPU之上。包括EPSON S1C33和Sunplus unSP™ 等,积累了丰富的经验,现在愿意和朋友们分享这些经历。希望本文的资料对于希望使用这个系统来开发的朋友有所帮助-for this first contact uC / OS-II programmers to introduce them into
- AES(The Advanced Encryption Standard)是美国国家标准与技术研究所用于加密电子数据的规范。它被预期能成为人们公认的加密包括金融、电信和政府数字信息的方法。本文展示了AES的概貌并解析了它使用的算法。包括一个完整的C#实现和加密.NET数据的举例。在读完本文后你将能用AES加密、测试 基于AES的软件并能在你的系统中使用AES加密。-AES (The Advanced Encryption Standard) is the National Institute o
- ucos 在avr单片机运行实例~~ 对于,学习ucos和单片机都很有用-A real example of uCOS running on AVR microcontroller, it is very helpful to learn uCOS and microcontroller.
uCOS-II the real time kernel
- 英文原版的讲uC/OSII 的好书 压缩包中包括PDF和DOC格式的文件-English book on uC/OSII. Zip file includes files in both PDF and DOC formats.
- uCosII原装光盘,包括uCosII源代码和uCos移植到各种常见处理器的代码.-uCosII original discs, including source code and uCosII uCos transplanted to various common processor code.
μCOS-II v2.52 在lpc2000系列ARM上的移植源代码
- uCOS在AVR MEGA系列单片机上的移植,花了2月才完成的,拿出来和大家一起分享-Source code of uC/OS II porting to AVR MEGA series MCU. Spent 2 months in porting and shared for all.
- 一个可以安装在PC机上的uCOS_II,包括源代码和已编译过的可执行文件-one can be installed in the PC uCOS_II, including source code and compiled executable file off
ucos-ii 贪食蛇
- 在UCOS-II下以用sdt调试通过,可移植性良好,可用于手机游戏,和各种嵌入式实验研究-in UCOS-II under the debugger to use sdt, portability and can be used for mobile gaming, and various embedded Experimental Study
- 分享:Dos操作系统的源程序,内有说明,C和ASM编写,可供嵌入式系统开发者参考。-sharing : Dos source operating system, which is described, C and ASM prepared for embedded systems development in Taiwan.
ucos2 显示驱动
- 并用编程实现两种LCD 驱动方式的基本原 理和方法;1.用总线方式直接驱动带有驱动模块的LCD。 2.用ARM 内置的LCD 控制器来驱动LCD。-programming using two LCD driver means the basic principles and methods; 1. With direct bus driver with the LCD driver modules. 2. ARM with a built-in LCD controller to dri
- 一个ucos-ii2.51移植到gcc下的port.大概是一个韩国人做的。从UCOS网站上那个VC的port改进而来。使用和介绍请见RAR文件中的注释。-an CENTER-gcc ii2.51 transplanted to the port. About a Korean done. UCOS site from which VC improvement from the port. The use and presentation of RAR see the Notes document
- UC/FS做的文件系统很好.高版本的一般只有库文件.CF卡是一种很方便的存储设备。网上可得到的CF卡的驱动程序少三个文件:初始化、读和写。本代码测试读写成功。-UC / FS file system so well. High-only version for the general document. CF card is a very convenient storage devices. Online availability of the CF card driver less thre
- MP3的程序的代码,用于嵌入式系统中MP3的编码和解码,做MP3播放器的可以做为参考。-MP3 procedure code for embedded systems MP3 encoding and decoding, so the MP3 player can be used as a reference.
- 在ATmega16芯片上移植的ucosii系统应用,使用ICCAVR编译器。由于ATmega16芯片仅仅有16k的rom和1k的ram,因此这个移植范例中仅使用了系统延时函数来点亮led。-the ATmega16 chip transplant ucosii applications, use ICCAVR compiler. As ATmega16 mere 16k chip rom the 1k and the ram, Therefore, the transplant use only
uCOS_II for TMS320LF2407(内核源码和移植文档)
- uCOS_II for TMS320LF2407(内核源码和移植文档)-uCOS_II for TMS320LF2407 (kernel source and portable document)
在uCOS II上移植的文件系统UCFS和图形用户界面
- 在uCOS II上移植的文件系统UCFS和图形用户界面
- 基于TQ2440开发板,有UCOS和UCGUI的贪吃蛇,是学习嵌入式ARM处理器、操作系统和图形界面编程的好资料-Based on TQ2440 development board, there UCGUI UCOS and the Snake, is to learn the embedded ARM processor, operating system and graphical interface programming information on rare
- 实现uCOS在DSP TMS32F28335的移植和多任务的切换,包含液晶显示,数码管驱动显示,Ad采样等(UCOS in DSP TMS32F28335 transplantation and multitasking switching, including liquid crystal display, digital tube drive display, Ad sampling and so on)
ucos 信号量和邮箱
- ucos 任务间的通讯,实现了信号量和邮箱的通讯(UCOS communication between tasks, the realization of semaphore and mailbox communication)